Revista Engenharia na Agricultura - REVENG <p>Engenharia na Agricultura é uma revista de fluxo contínuo que tem como objetivo divulgar e difundir a produção científica das diversas áreas da Engenharia Agrícola. É necessário que os diversos leitores interessados no assunto tenham acesso aos novos conhecimentos científicos e às inovações tecnológicas, e a publicação numa revista constitui uma forma prática, usual e eficiente para se divulgar trabalhos dessa natureza. O objetivo desta Revista é divulgar conhecimento científico atualizado, com a presteza e agilidade que não é possível ao livro e com a abrangência que é própria da revista.</p> Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV pt-BR Revista Engenharia na Agricultura - REVENG 1414-3984 <p><strong>Autores que publicam nesta revista concordam com os seguintes termos:</strong></p> <p> O(s) autor(es) autoriza(m) a publicação do texto na da revista;</p> <p>O(s) autor(es) garantem que a contribuição é original e inédita e que não está em processo de avaliação em outra(s) revista(s);</p> <p>A revista não se responsabiliza pelas opiniões, ideias e conceitos emitidos nos textos, por serem de inteira responsabilidade de seu(s) autor(es);</p> <p>É reservado aos editores o direito de proceder a ajustes textuais e de adequação às normas da publicação.</p> <p>A partir da submissão, o autor estará cedendo integralmente seus direitos patrimoniais da obra à publicação, permanecendo detentor de seus direitos morais (autoria e identificação na obra) e de acordo com a <strong>Licença Creative Commons, CC BY-NC.</strong></p> Emergence and initial growth of cowpea varieties at different temperatures <p>Brazil is the largest producer and consumer of beans in the world; however, the prospect of climate change could affect this production. Among these changes, the incidence of rising temperatures can directly affect the crop cycle, influencing biochemical processes that occur during seed germination and seedling emergence. The objective of this work was to determine the optimum temperature level for the emergence and initial growth of three varieties of cowpea. The experiment was conducted in a laboratory linked to the Federal University of the São Francisco Valley, Juazeiro Campus, state of Bahia, with a completely randomized design (DIC), in a 6x3 factorial scheme, with six treatments at different temperature levels: 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 °C; and three varieties of cowpea: BRS Pajeú, BRS Nova Era and BRS Pujante. The following variables were assessed: speed index, average time, relative frequency and percentage of emergence; stem length and diameter; accumulation of fresh and dry biomass in the stem, leaf and root. The ideal temperature range found for the emergence and initial growth of the cowpea varieties BRS Pajeú ranged from 27 to 32 ºC, for BRS Nova Era between 30 and 41 ºC and for BRS Pujante between 29 and 35 ºC. As the BRS Nova Era variety performs better in high temperature conditions, it could be an alternative for growing beans in the face of climate change.</p> Magno do Nascimento Amorim José Aliçandro Bezerra da Silva Diego Ariel Meloni Edson Pereira da Silva Késsia Caroline Dantas da Silva Marcelo da Silva Martins Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Engenharia na Agricultura - REVENG 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 32 Contínua 1 15 10.13083/reveng.v32i1.15549 Nitric Oxide as an Attenuator of Copper Toxicity in the concentration of Nutrients in maize Seedlings <p>The maize crop is highlighted in the worldwide and Brazilian agribusiness, presenting itself as a raw material for both human and animal nutrition. Nitric oxide (NO) stands out as a signalling molecule playing a crucial role in plant responses to abiotic stresses as caused by heavy metals. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitric oxide on the levels of macro and micronutrients, such as cationic magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese. The copper bioaccumulation and translocation factor, in the initial growth of maize seedlings were subjected to copper toxicity. The seeds were soaked for 48 hours in Germitest paper using a solution containing sodium nitroprusside Na<sub>2</sub>[Fe(CN)<sub>5</sub>NO]2H<sub>2</sub>O as a donor of nitric oxide, sodium ferrocyanide Na<sub>4</sub>Fe (CN)<sub>6</sub> as compensator and deionized water (control). The experiment was carried out in a 4 x 3 completely randomized factorial design with 12 treatments and 8 repetitions, totaling 96 trays containing 25 seeds per repetition. The results showed that the doses of nitric oxide were not sufficient to attenuate the copper toxicity, highlighting the metal accumulation in the roots. The doses of sodium nitroprusside and sodium ferrocyanide provided toxicity, changing the mineral balance in the mobilization of macro and cationic micronutrients and their translocation to the aerial part of K9606VIP3 maize seedlings in the initial growth.</p> Ana Ecidia de Araújo Brito Priscilla Andrade Silva Job Teixeira Oliveira Cassiano Garcia Roque Tulio Russino Castro Cândido Ferreira de Oliveira Neto Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Engenharia na Agricultura - REVENG 2024-07-11 2024-07-11 32 Contínua 16 26 10.13083/reveng.v32i1.16812 Agroecology, slow food and sustainable development goals (SDGs): resilience of agro-food systems, combat hunger, and local governance <p>The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), transcending their prescribed targets and actions, propose a critical reflection on global food production and consumption patterns. These inquiries foster the promotion of resilient agri-food systems, with Agroecology identified as a pragmatically viable alternative for achieving the advocated goals. The scope of this article is to discuss these intersections, demonstrating that simple actions such as valuing local products, as advocated by Slow Food, can strengthen relationships and networks around food, promoting food security, preservation of knowledge, practices, traditions, and biodiversity, as well as the sense of belonging, improvement of quality of life, sustainable development, and local governance. Methodologically, this research is qualitative, adopting a bibliographical approach and employing a literature review to contextualize and reflect the problem, anchored in the Agroecology domains, SDGs, and the paradigm proposed by the Slow Food movement. This study substantially contributes to understanding the intricate relationships between the SDGs, agri-food systems, and Agroecology. By emphasizing the importance of seemingly simple practices, such as valuing local products, the article highlights the imperative of holistic and sustainable approaches to achieve broader sustainable development goals guided by the principles of “well-being.”</p> Telma Regina Stroparo Nicolas Floriani Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Engenharia na Agricultura - REVENG 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 32 Contínua 27 36 10.13083/reveng.v32i1.17546 Chemical attributes of corn under the path analysis in an Amazon ecosystemic domain <p>The present study aims to expose information about the dynamics between the chemical attributes of corn and the direct and indirect influence of these attributes on the proteins of the grain. The attributes analyzed were grain mass, total soluble solids, pH, total titratable acidity, ashes, moisture content, lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. A network of correlations was obtained and descriptive statistical results of the attributes were generated. Through a path analysis, in which protein content was the main variable, the direct and indirect correlation between the attributes was determined. The moisture level and ash content obtained for the corn were similar to those found in literature. The levels of protein, lipids, and carbohydrates were lower than those established in the Brazilian Table of Food Composition. It was concluded that lipids were the attributes that best determine corn proteins.</p> Luana da Silva Pinheiro Mateus Monteles Vieira Gabriel Gustavo Tavares Nunes Claudete Rosa da Silva Job Teixeira Oliveira Tulio Russino Castro Cassiano Garcia Roque Priscilla Andrade Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Engenharia na Agricultura - REVENG 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 32 Contínua 37 46 10.13083/reveng.v32i1.16811 Fertilizer application depth and soil water content: Effect on seed plantability of a seeder in direct planting <p>Mechanization is key to increasing efficiency and productivity in agriculture. Therefore, it is important to understand these machines and their operating conditions to assess whether the quality of equipment operation has been satisfactory. Furthermore, planting windows have become increasingly narrower; therefore, an efficient planting operation is essential to ensure uniform stands with high yields. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of three soil water contents (28.7; 36.4 and 47.6%) and three fertilizer application depths (6.3; 11.3 and 14.8 cm) on the seed plantability of a direct planting machine. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot randomized block design, with three replications. The water contents were assigned to the plots and the fertilizer depths to the subplots.</p> Wilson de Almeida Orlando Junior Kely de Paula Correa Ana Flávia Coelho Pacheco Isabella de Andrade Rezende Lucas de Freitas Teixeira Haroldo Carlos Fernandes Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Engenharia na Agricultura - REVENG 2024-08-30 2024-08-30 32 Contínua 47 53 10.13083/reveng.v32i1.15061