Inserção da cafeicultura como plantio consorciado em um S.A.F agroecológico da agricultura familiar no Recôncavo baiano.


  • Vinícius de Jesus Ferreira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Coffee farming is a term used to refer to the activities carried out to grow coffee, from production to marketing. This report seeks to describe the actions carried out to insert coffee plants into agroecological production as a method of diversity in an agroforestry system (SAF), in a family farming establishment in the rural area of the municipality of Governador Mangabeira, located in the territory of Recôncavo, where the property's farmers carry out sustainable practices from the beginning of production, from the acquisition of seedlings to planting in the ground. In view of this, it is concluded that the activities carried out at the family establishment as a result of this experience report are of great importance for sustainable development in rural spaces, as the actions carried out on the property have shown in practice how important polyculture has been for the agroecological cultivation of various crops in small spaces.


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How to Cite

de Jesus Ferreira, V. (2024). Inserção da cafeicultura como plantio consorciado em um S.A.F agroecológico da agricultura familiar no Recôncavo baiano . Revista De Extensão E Estudos Rurais, 13(2), 01–20. Retrieved from


