REVES - Revista Relações Sociais 2024-06-11T16:15:08-03:00 REVES Editor-in-Chief Open Journal Systems Cinco Pistas, Uma Substância: Ludic as a tool in promoting Chemistry Teaching 2024-05-15T21:31:06-03:00 Genile Lima Dias Jessica Cruz de Luca de Almeida <p>The students mostly feel unmotivated with traditional classes. Active methodologies offer an opportunity to bring a new dynamic to the classroom, increasing interaction and engagement with the subject. If the student is more interested, his development naturally improves. In the present work, the ludic game "Cinco pistas, uma substância" was constructed, and its application to the high school class aimed at reviewing and consolidating content related to inorganic functions. To assess the effectiveness of the game and its gameplay, the activity was initially applied to a chemistry education class. The students evaluated the game, it’s the strengths, the weaknesses, and suggested adaptations. After these adjustments were made, it was implemented in basic education for a 2nd-year high school class. Through a field diary, it was possible to measure competitive action, collaboration, strategy development, motivation, content retention, and diagnostic evaluation.</p> 2024-05-16T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVES - Revista Relações Sociais Cemitério de Anjinhos: um arranjo possível para a aproximação com o sagrado 2024-04-29T23:24:55-03:00 Antonio Renaldo Gomes Pereira Antonio George Lopes Paulino <p>O artigo trata do Cemitério de Anjinhos de Vereda Funda e da ação dos vivos para aproximarem os mortos ao sagrado. A metodologia empregada no estudo é de natureza qualitativa e antropológica, consistindo no exercício da observação, análise e interpretação das asserções de interlocutores, bem como do material que acessamos em documentos, fontes secundárias, teóricas e, ainda, em memórias que se formaram a partir do nosso contato com a cultura do sagrado em territórios cearenses. Os resultados encontrados informam que o agenciamento parte dos pais e familiares dos mortos. Seguindo um dos tabus da Igreja que proibia o enterramento de indivíduos não-batizados em campo santo, instituem um local para sepultamentos no qual são inseridos objetos e símbolos que remetem ao sagrado religioso, com intuito de possibilitar a salvação aos seus filhos falecidos. Esse cemitério é marcado pela presença de pequenos túmulos decorados com elementos infantis, flores coloridas e santos católicos. Assim, o Cemitério de Anjinhos de Vereda Funda, situado em São Gonçalo do Amarante, Ceará, apresenta-se como espaço sagrado instituído por populares a fim de aproximar as crianças mortas ao divino.</p> 2024-05-01T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVES - Revista Relações Sociais The art of homotranssexual life in Damata related to the history of the aphrodisías 2024-03-12T08:46:59-03:00 Claudio Noel de Toni Junior <p>The uniqueness of the subjects' way of life, in the device of sexuality in Damata's work in the middle of the military dictatorship where the main territory is the city of Rio de Janeiro, with the experiences of the people linked to the Brazilian Navy, brings up the issue of homosexuality of this class in particular, at different times of their lives and in regards of the preference for being active or passive, which without mention in the work, makes the question of gender arise. This issue goes back to the fact that over 6,000 years ago, the theme was approached as a social, political and moral lifestyle in antiquity and that it is transformed and has contours of interdiction in the Christian era and in moments that passed society over time as in the Dictatorship and in regimes of exception. The purpose of the work when analyzing the body's relations with questions of morality and attributes of passage from one stage of life to another, time opens up that the issue of sexuality is still today a form of interdiction where the subject abdicates his life to live a way of life that the other imposes on him, being issues to be resolved and that Ancient knowledge can be used so that the different genres that are not binary can win, fight and resist, transforming their finite modes of existence in life as their own master.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVES - Revista Relações Sociais Producing food by decomposition: microorganisms and their role in the sustainable environment 2024-02-26T16:55:05-03:00 Marisa Cristina da Casteluber Amanda Marra Oliveira <p>This work address's themes focused on science teaching and cross-cutting themes of health and the environment, developing practices and activities capable of relating mandatory content to students' prior knowledge. To this end, the project, implemented with students in the 6th year of elementary school II at the state school Professora Yolanda Martins, has as its focus the development of a compost bin to produce compost for fertilizing the school garden, using low-cost materials and easy access that consisted of three buckets with lids, a plastic tap, soil, sawdust, and worms. This work was divided into 5 stages, with the application of a semi-structured questionnaire at the beginning and end of the project; construction of the compost bin; application of the product generated in the gardens; conversation circles and application of practices on compost and microorganisms. The objective of these activities was to improve the teaching-learning process about microorganisms and environmental and health care. The results obtained allow us to state that although at the beginning of the project most of the students demonstrated that they did not know what composting is, the project provided an effective and interesting method of learning, allowing students to understand composting and correlate the microorganisms with the foods present on the day.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVES - Revista Relações Sociais The contribution of the ALI Productivity Program to micro and small companies in the Central Region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul 2024-01-18T15:08:27-03:00 Camila de Freitas Santos Rafael Mozart da Silva <p>The general aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the ALI Productivity Program on micro and small companies, in its first edition in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The ALI Program (Local Innovation Agents) is an initiative that aims to boost the productivity and development of these companies through the application of efficient and innovative management strategies. Throughout this study, the results obtained through the implementation of the ALI Program were analyzed, investigating how it influenced the economic performance, growth and competitiveness of the participating companies. The research methodology used is characterized, in terms of nature, as applied, with a qualitative and quantitative approach and of an exploratory and descriptive nature. As for the objectives, it can be classified as exploratory and descriptive, while the technical procedure used was field research. The research was carried out with 23 MSEs, who participated in the Program in the first cycle, which took place between August and December 2022. Of the 23 participating companies, 6 did not provide productivity data within the expected deadline, even though they carried out the final Radar, whose data are not counted here. The ALI project's Productivity indicator and the Innovation Radar tool were considered, as well as the initial (T0) and final (Tf) measurements of the cycle for the 17 concluding MSEs. As a result, it was observed that more than 94% of these companies showed positive variation in at least one dimension analyzed and that more than 82% had an increase in the Productivity indicator after the conclusion of the Innovation Journey, with emphasis on the gain in maturity, in other words, there were changes aimed at processes and strategies and with clear objectives, thus allowing for even more consistent results.</p> 2024-01-23T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVES - Revista Relações Sociais The Evangelical Caucus elected for the Chamber of Deputies at 2022: an analysis of religious activity, economic/business activity and political career 2024-06-11T16:15:08-03:00 Icaro Gabriel da Fonseca Engler Lara Portugal Laura Barcelos Araujo <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The aim of this paper&nbsp; is to analyze the evangelical caucus elected in 2022 to the Chamber of Federal Deputies in Brazil, seeking to outline its profile and social trajectory, as well as the performance and political career of its components. Therefore, a database was created with the 75 cases indicated by the Inter-Union Department of Parliamentary Advisory, as belonging to the bench, collecting information on gender, race, education, occupation/profession, declaration of assets, religious activity, religious aspect, elected positions held and political positioning throughout 2023, the first year of the mandate. This data was collected on the pages of the Superior Electoral Court and Chamber of Deputies, as well as on other widely circulated journalistic websites. The results pointed to an approximation of the profile of the bench with the other Federal Deputies, but with a great distance from the general profile of the Brazilian population. The diversification of political activity with religious and business activity was also identified, demonstrating that entering politics does not mean abandoning previous social positions. Finally, political careers do not differ from the average of other Federal Deputies, and the bench does not have a homogeneous political positioning, with the weight of the party being more significant than the religious aspect in determining support or opposition to government agendas. Thus, this work hopes to be an important contribution to analyzing this relationship between religion and politics, demonstrating that there are still many questions to be studied.</span></p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVES - Revista Relações Sociais Conceptual and dialectical perspectives on the urban periphery 2024-05-08T16:03:07-03:00 Ivamauro Ailton de Sousa Silva João Carlos dos Santos Cardoso Mayany Soares Salgado <p>The aim of this article is to present a conceptual discussion on the subject of the urban periphery through different approaches disseminated by the theoretical bases. The methodology focuses on a bibliographical review for conceptual analysis. The results of the research show that the concept of periphery establishes a dialogue with different areas of knowledge and constitutes approaches anchored in different propositions from geography, the humanities and the social sciences: location, analogies, differentiation, place, territory, identities, memories and landscape. It was found that the development of current research has promoted dialectics and re-significations of the concept of the periphery, revealing that centrality and "spatial and geometric" distance are no longer determining factors in the definition of the periphery. The work comprehensively highlights conceptual approaches and discursive analyses that are relevant to understanding urban spatialities and to the contemporary debate on the social representations built up in the peripheries.</p> 2024-05-10T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVES - Revista Relações Sociais Tax revenues as sources of public revenue: incidence, assessment, settlement, collection and their application to public expenditure by the State 2024-04-09T07:47:10-03:00 Ramos Hilario Ramos Olvanio de Fátima Carlos Mutiniua Lindoso Francisco Emílio Betinho Muhinanha <p>This research addresses tax revenue as a source of public revenue for the Mozambican state, describing the main sources of tax revenue (taxes, fees, improvement contributions, compulsory loans and customs duties). This is characterized by being a research with a qualitative approach, in terms of descriptive objectives, and bibliographic and documentary in terms of procedures. In its development, we cover the Mozambican tax system, direct and indirect taxes, progressive, proportional, regressive and degressive taxes, the tax life stages among other fundamental characteristics of tax revenues. This research made it possible to analyze the impact of tax revenues on public revenues according to information from PESOE 2024, making it possible to reach some conclusions on the subject, such as taxes correspond to 81.00% of all State revenues as well as 59 .00% of the amount collected is intended for use in operating expenses.</p> 2024-04-14T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVES - Revista Relações Sociais Municipal public spending in environmental management: efficiency and determinants 2024-02-15T14:17:17-03:00 Vanderléia de Souza da Silva Johan Hendrik Poker Junior Marco Antonio Milani Filho Ieda Kanashiro Makiya Denise Rugani Topke <p>Brazilian public spending on environmental management is constant, being the state and the municipality of São Paulo the ones that have spent the most on this function. The preservation and care of the environment are becoming increasingly relevant in society and organizations. The public sphere manages and regulates this issue, being a key factor for public policies at all management levels. The objective of the study was to analyze the efficiency of São Paulo municipalities in managing environmental public spending, in the period from 2011 to 2015, and to identify the determinants of efficiency. The methodologies applied were Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure the efficiency and Multiple Linear Regression to identify the determinants. The DEA results indicated that the efficient municipalities each year were not those that allocated the least public resources in environmental management or those that obtained the highest environmental indicator score. The determinants of efficiency were: the overall municipal human development index; the percentages of people: with piped water and installed toilets, those with higher education above 25 years old, and the poor. Municipal efficiency was identified in municipalities that have lower impacts on the determinants. Furthermore, the results contribute to the decision-making process in the management of public spending and in the elaboration of public policies that can reduce the impacts of external factors on environmental management in the municipalities of São Paulo. And, with that, promote an increase in the environmental indicator, which consequently can bring improvements in the quality of life of citizens.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVES - Revista Relações Sociais The Parmalat Scandal: An Analysis of Financial Deception and Its Implications for Global Business 2024-01-23T12:04:54-03:00 Edgar Manuel Cambaza <p>The Parmalat scandal, often compared to Europe's Enron case, highlights one of the biggest financial frauds in global business history. Revealed in 2003, the case exposed an astonishing €14 billion deficit in the company's accounts, resulting from fraud, mismanagement, and oversight failures. This case study delves into the complexities of the Parmalat scandal, exploring its causes, impacts, and lessons for global businesses. It examines inadequate corporate governance, strategic missteps, auditing failures, and ethical violations, highlighting the importance of maintaining an ethical and transparent corporate culture. The role of auditing is emphasized, pointing out deficiencies in both internal and external audits, and the need for stricter controls and a whistleblowing culture. Parmalat's strategic decisions are scrutinized to understand how they contributed to the company's decline. The problematic relationship between majority and minority shareholders is discussed, revealing internal conflicts. The response to the scandal included a push for better corporate governance standards, regulatory reforms, and the adoption of more robust governance models. The importance of an ethical corporate culture, financial transparency, and the empowerment of whistleblowers are underscored as essential for preventing future frauds. The Parmalat case serves as a warning of the need for transparent and ethical practices in business, reinforcing that profitability should not override ethical considerations. This study provides a blueprint for companies to avoid similar pitfalls, highlighting corporate governance, business ethics, and oversight as pillars for trust and economic stability.</p> 2024-01-23T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 REVES - Revista Relações Sociais