
  • Clara Ellen Loureiro Brandão Bacharel em Educação Física pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL).
  • Jorge Lopes Cavalcante Neto Docente do curso de Educação Física da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Campus IV. Líder do Grupo de estudos, pesquisa e extensão em educação especial e educação física adaptada (GEPEFA).


body composition, anthropometry, Physical Education


The present study aimed to outline the anthropometric profile of female gymnastics teachers in gyms in the city of Maceió. This was a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional research. 20 Physical Education teachers aged between 22 and 32 years participated. A survey of the number of gyms in the city registered at Health Surveillance was conducted. Then, it was requested their permission and a survey of the number of teachers who would compose the study population, that agreed to be part of the study, signing the Informed Consent (IC). Soon after, the selected teachers answered to the sociodemographic questionnaire and performed anthropometric assessments. It was evidenced that 60% were underweight, 35% ideal weight, and 5% overweight, i.e., over the ideal weight, according to the values recommended by the World Health Organization, noting also that 45% presented ideal fat percentage for the health parameters and 55%, above the ideal standards; WHR showed that 30% of evaluated presented a high rate for the health parameters, setting excess of abdominal fat, whereas in the measurement of waist circumference 20% showed a value equal or greater than 80 cm, and 80% showed WC inferior to 80 cm. There was prevalence of underweight when the measure was BMI, but it was observed the prevalence of high fat percentage in relation to skinfolds and prevalence of abdominal fat using WHR and WC. 


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How to Cite

Brandão, C. E. L. ., & Cavalcante Neto, J. L. . (2014). ANTHROPOMETRIC PROFILE OF FEMALE WEIGHT TRAINING TEACHERS IN MACEIÓ . Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 22(2), 44–63. Retrieved from