
  • Diego Facion Beber Licenciatura em Educação Fisica pela Universidade Tiradentes (Aracaju-SE). Bacharelado em Educação Física Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Pós-graduação em Desempenho Humano e Esportivo na Atividade Física - Universidade Tiradentes (Aracaju-SE).


physical activity level, multifactorial disorders, IPAQ


The Youth and Adults Education (EJA) is an educational policy of the government that aims to give opportunities to people who had no chance to study in due time. However, due to their daily activities, EJA students may have the interference in their physical activity level (PAL). Therefore, knowledge of the physical condition of the individual is required. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the physical activity level of EJA students in their evening hours. The study included 69 adolescents and adults aged 18-68 years (26.5 ± 9.1), EJA students in Jackson de Figueiredo State School, located in Aracaju-SE. To estimate the PAL, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ short form) was used. To analyze the data, it was used the consensus achieved between CELAFISCS and the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta in 2002, considering the criteria of frequency and duration, which classifies people into four categories (very active, active, irregularly active, sedentary). In the sample studied, there was a high prevalence of sedentary and irregularly active (60.6%), followed by the active level (39.4%), according to the binomial analysis between genders, there are significant difference between them (p <0.01 ), indicating that the proportion of active males is greater than the physically active women. It is concluded that most of EJA students of the evening classes is insufficiently physically active (60.6%), which demonstrates that the public is great potential for intervention that has the goal of increasing the level of physical activity. 


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How to Cite

Beber, D. F. . (2014). ANALYSIS OF THE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVEL OF STUDENTS IN EVENING CLASSES OF YOUTH AND ADULT EDUCATION. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 22(1), 72–82. Retrieved from