
  • Flavia Cristiane dos Reis Pereira Faculdade Unida de Vitória.
  • Flavia Cristiane dos Reis Pereira Faculdade Unida de Vitória.
  • Felipe Ferreira Barros Carneiro Universidade Vila Velha


Tae kwon do, Gender, Motivation


The aim of this work was to verify how the specialized literature have been dealing with sexual and gender differences of women in taekwondo, seeking motivational solutions against possible problems that may appear due to the difficulties faced in the practice. For the development of the research, it was conducted a review in the literature on the taekwondo, woman and motivation themes. The results show that women have lower level of confidence in contrast to men; and that, because of this, women might achieve lower yields during practice. The motivational significance becomes important to an elaboration of proper training, always in search of better results and athlete satisfaction in performing the activities. The study concludes that it is necessary to advance in the research on motivation whether in the extrinsic or intrinsic way, seeking to stimulate sports practice.


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How to Cite

Pereira, F. C. dos R. ., Pereira, F. C. dos R. ., & Carneiro, F. F. B. . (2016). BIBLIOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF COMBAT SPORT: GENDER AND MOTIVATION IN WOMEN’S TAEKWONDO. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 24(2), 103–114. Retrieved from