
  • Raphael Ribeiro Nogueira Barbosa Escola de Educação Física do Exército – EsEFEx
  • Antônio Márcio dos Santos Valente Instituto de Pesquisa da Capacitação Física do Exército - IPCFEx
  • Fabio Alves Machado Instituto de Pesquisa da Capacitação Física do Exército - IPCFEx
  • João Guilherme Clós do Nascimento Instituto de Pesquisa da Capacitação Física do Exército - IPCFEx
  • Marcos de Sá Rego Fortes Instituto de Pesquisa da Capacitação Física do Exército - IPCFEx
  • Runer Augusto Marson Instituto de Pesquisa da Capacitação Física do Exército - IPCFEx


ground based push-up, cadence, fatigue, strength training


Objective: To recognize the cadence influence on the maximum number of repetitions of ground based push-ups exercise (GBP). Material and Methods: The sample consisted on 27 militaries (18.9 + 0.5 years; 65.1+ 9.1 kg; 173.6 + 5.9 cm). The subjects performed series of maximal repetitions of push-ups on the ground, on different days and at different execution speeds (marked by beeps) until the subjective fatigue. The reference of a complete repetition accorded with the pattern used by the Brazilian army in their physical fitness tests. The data was time based standardized into four executions cadences (R1, R2, R3 and R4) and analyzed by the ANOVA test with post-hoc LSD and p>= 0.05. Results: The obtained values related to R1, R2 and R3 show a significant difference when compared to R4 values. The values of R1, R2 and R3 did not show any significant difference between themselves. Conclusion: The exercise of GBP when run with free cadence is more efficient, in other words, it reaches a higher number of repetitions, when compared to GBP exercise performed with established cadence, in consideration that the concern of the executor to perform the exercise in stipulated time by the beeps of the metronome generates discontinuities in the motion, making it less efficient.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, R. R. N., Valente, A. M. dos S. ., Machado, F. A. ., Nascimento, J. G. C. do ., Fortes, M. de S. R. ., & Marson, R. A. . (2015). THE ACUTE EFFECT OF THE CADENCE OF EXECUTION ON THE MAXIMAL NUMBER OF THE GROUND BASED PUSH-UP EXERCISE. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 23(3), 7–21. Retrieved from