Perspectivas teóricas para a análise de políticas públicas: como lidam com a complexidade?
Palavras-chave, análise de políticas públicas, modelos teóricos, teoria da complexidade, sistemas complexosResumo
O objetivou-se comparar as perspectivas teóricas próprias da análise de políticas públicas de meados dos anos 1980 e início dos anos 1990, com os novos desenvolvimentos da área, buscando identificar diferenças ou semelhanças quanto à incorporação em suas narrativas de aspectos próprios da teoria da complexidade e dos sistemas complexos. Os modelos tradicionais (1980-1990), trazem implícito alguns conceitos próprios de sistemas complexos, como adaptação, evolução e emergência, porém não proporcionam uma visão holística capaz de compreender a interdependência e a dinâmica do processo. Modelos teóricos recentes (2013) se propõem a superar essa lacuna, a partir de narrativas com um viés positivista com o objetivo de gerenciar o sistema complexo das políticas públicas. A análise empreendida permite visualizar um movimento acadêmico em direção a se pensar outras abordagens teóricas e metodológicas capazes de compreender o processo de políticas públicas caracterizado pelas constantes mudanças, incertezas e instabilidades.Downloads
Agar, M. (1999). Complexity theory: An exploration and overview based on John Holland’s work. Field Methods, 11(2), 99-120.
Anderies, J. M., & Janssen, M. A. (2013). Robustness of Social?Ecological Systems: Implications for Public Policy. Policy Studies Journal, 41(3), 513-536.
Baranger, M. (2000). Chaos, complexity, and entropy. New England Complex Systems Institute, Cambridge.
Baumgartner, F. R., & Jones, B. D. (1993). Punctuated equilibria in politics. Agendas and instability in American politics, 3-24.
Baumgartner, F. R., & Jones, B. D. (2010). Agendas and instability in American politics. University of Chicago Press.
Bousquet, A., & Curtis, S. (2011). Beyond models and metaphors: complexity theory, systems thinking and international relations. Cambridge review of international affairs, 24(01), 43-62.
Brasil, F. G., & Capella, A. C. N. (2016). Os estudos das políticas públicas no Brasil: passado, presente e caminhos futuros da pesquisa sobre análise de políticas. Revista Política Hoje, 25(1), 71-90.
Budd, L., Charlesworth, J., & Paton, R. (2006). Making policy happen. Routledge.
Byrne, D. S. (1998). Complexity theory and the social sciences: an introduction. Psychology Press.
Cairney, P. (2012). Complexity theory in political science and public policy. Political Studies Review, 10(3), 346-358.
Calmon, P. C. D. P., & Costa, M. M. (2007). Análise de Políticas Públicas no Brasil: estudos sobre a formação da agenda governamental. Brasília, DF.
Capella, A. C. N. (2007). Perspectivas teóricas sobre o processo de formulação de políticas públicas. Políticas públicas no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, 1, 87-124.
Capella, A. C., & Soares, A. G.; Brasil, F.G. (2014). Pesquisa em Políticas Públicas no Brasil: Um mapeamento da aplicação de modelos internacionais recentes na literatura nacional. ENCONTRO DA ABCP, 9.
Cilliers, P. (2005). Complexity, deconstruction and relativism. Theory, Culture & Society, 22(5), 255-267.
Cohen, M. D., & Axelrod, R. (2000). Harnessing complexity: organizational implications of a scientific frontier. Simon and Schuster.
Eppel, E. A. (2009). The contribution of complexity theory to understanding and explaining policy processes: A study of tertiary education policy processes in New Zealand.
Eppel, E. (2016). Complexity thinking in public administration’s theories-in-use. Public Management Review, 1-17.
Ferlie, E., Lynn, L. E., & Pollitt, C. (2005). The Oxford handbook of public management. Oxford University Press, USA.
Gatrell, A. C. (2005). Complexity theory and geographies of health: a critical assessment. Social Science & Medicine, 60(12), 2661-2671.
Gerrits, L., & Marks, P. (2015). The evolution of Wright’s (1932) adaptive field to contemporary interpretations and uses of fitness landscapes in the social sciences. Biology & Philosophy, 30(4), 459-479.
Geyer, R. & Rihani, S. (2010). Complexity and public policy: a new approach to twenty-first century politics, policy and society. Routledge.
Giddens, A. The Constitution of Society. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1984.
Goulielmos, A. M. (2005). Complexity theory: a science where historical accidents matter. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 14(4), 533-547.
Haken, A., & Cook, S. A. (1999). An exponential lower bound for the size of monotone real circuits. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 58(2), 326-335.
Haynes, P. (2009, abril). Complexity in Public Policy: Metaphors and Methods. Aula inaugural na Universidade de Brighton. Recuperado de:
Haynes, P. (2008) Complexity theory and evaluation in public management: a qualitative systems approach. Public Management Review, 10 (3). pp. 401-419.
Holland, J. H (1995). Hidden order: How adaptation builds complexity. Basic Books.
Horgan, J. (1995). From complexity to perplexity. Scientific American, 272, 104-109.
Jenkins-Smith, H. C., & Sabatier, P. A. (1999). The advocacy coalition framework: an assessment. Theories of the policy process. Westview Press, Boulder, 117-166.
John, P. (1998). Analysing Public Policy. A&C Black.
Kingdon, J. W. (2010). Agendas, alternatives and public policies (2nd ed.). New York: Addison-Wesley.
Klijn, E. H. (2008). Complexity Theory and Public Administration: What's New? Key concepts in complexity theory compared to their counterparts in public administration research. Public Management Review, 10(3), 299-317.
Koliba, C. (2014). Governance network performance: A complex adaptive systems approach. In Keast, R.; Mandell, M. & Agranoff, R. (Eds.), Network theory in the public sector: Building new theoretical frameworks. (pp. 84-102). London: Routledge.
Koppenjan, J. F. M., & Klijn, E.-H. (2014). What can governance network theory learn from complexity theory? Mirroring two perspectives on complexity. In Keast, R., Mandell, M. & Agranoff, R. (Eds.), Network theory in the public sector: Building new theoretical frameworks. (pp. 157-173). London: Routledge.
Lasswell, H. D. (1951). The Immediate Future of Research Policy and Method in Political Science. American Political Science Review, 45(01), 133-142.
Long, N. E. (1958). The local community as an ecology of games. American Journal of Sociology, 251-261.
Louth, G., Mitzenmacher, M., & Kelly, F. (1994). Computational complexity of loss networks. Theoretical Computer Science, 125(1), 45-59.
Lubell, M. (2013). Governing institutional complexity: The ecology of games framework. Policy Studies Journal, 41(3), 537-559.
Mainzer, K. (1993). Philosophical foundations of nonlinear complex systems. In Interdisciplinary approaches to nonlinear complex systems (pp. 32-43). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Manson, S. M. (2001). Simplifying complexity: a review of complexity theory. Geoforum, 32(3), 405-414.
Mitleton-Kelly, E. (2003). Complex systems and evolutionary perspectives on organisations: the application of complexity theory to organisations. Elsevier Science Ltd.
Moran, M., Rein, M., & Goodin, R. E. (2006). The Handbook of Public Policy.
Morçöl, G. (2002). A new mind for policy analysis: Toward a post-Newtonian and postpositivist epistemology and methodology.
Morçöl, G. (2005). A new systems thinking: implications of the sciences of complexity for public policy and administration. Public Administration Quarterly, 297-320.
Morçöl, G. (2010). Issues in reconceptualizing public policy from the perspective of complexity theory. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 12(1), 52.
Morçöl, G. (2012). Urban Sprawl And Public Policy: A Complexity Theory Perspective. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 14(4), 1.
Murray, P. J. (1998). Complexity theory and the fifth discipline. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 11(3), 275-293.
Ostrom, E. (2009). Beyond markets and states: polycentric governance of complex economic systems. Transnational Corporations Review, 2(2), 1-12.
Petridou, E. (2014), Theories of the Policy Process: Contemporary Scholarship and Future Directions. Policy Stud J, 42: S12–S32.
Prigogine, I. (1987). Exploring complexity. In G. Midgley (Ed.), Systems Thinking (pp. 409–417). London: Sage.
Prigogine, I. (1996). O fim das certezas. Unesp.
Puddifoot, J. E. (2000). Some problems and possibilities in the study of dynamical social processes. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 30(1), 79-97.
Rhodes, M. L., Murphy, J., Muir, J., & Murray, J. A. (2011). Public management and complexity theory: Richer decision-making in public services. New York: Routledge.
Sabatier, P. A. (2007). Theories of the Policy Process. 2. ed. Boulder: Westview Press.
Sabatier, P., & Weible, C. (2007). The advocacy coalition: Innovations and clarifications. Theories of the policy process, 2, 189-220.
Sanger, M., & Giddings, M. M. (2012). A simple approach to complexity theory. Journal of Social Work Education, 48(2), 369-376.
Schlager, E., & Weible, C. M. (2013). New theories of the policy process. Policy Studies Journal, 41(3), 389-396.
Simon, H. A. (1947). Administrative behavior; a study of decision-making processes in administrative organization.
Stacey, R. D. (2007). Strategic management and organisational dynamics: The challenge of complexity to ways of thinking about organisations. Pearson education.
Teisman, G., & Klijn, E.-H. (2008). Complexity theory and public management: An introduction. Public Management Review, 10(3), 287-297.
Teisman, G., Van Buuren, A., & Gerrits, L. (Eds.). (2009). Managing complex governance systems: Dynamics, self-organization, and coevolution in public investments. New York: Routledge.
Urry, J. (2003). Global complexity (pp. 51-59). Cambridge: Polity. Wu, J., & Marceau, D. (2002). Modeling complex ecological systems: an introduction. Ecological Modelling, 153(1), 1-6.
Weible, C. M., & Sabatier, P. A. (2005). Comparing policy networks: Marine protected areas in California. Policy Studies Journal, 33(2), 181-201.
Weible, C. M., Sabatier, P. A., & McQueen, K. (2009). Themes and variations: Taking stock of the advocacy coalition framework. Policy Studies Journal, 37(1), 121-140.
Anderies, J. M., & Janssen, M. A. (2013). Robustness of Social?Ecological Systems: Implications for Public Policy. Policy Studies Journal, 41(3), 513-536.
Baranger, M. (2000). Chaos, complexity, and entropy. New England Complex Systems Institute, Cambridge.
Baumgartner, F. R., & Jones, B. D. (1993). Punctuated equilibria in politics. Agendas and instability in American politics, 3-24.
Baumgartner, F. R., & Jones, B. D. (2010). Agendas and instability in American politics. University of Chicago Press.
Bousquet, A., & Curtis, S. (2011). Beyond models and metaphors: complexity theory, systems thinking and international relations. Cambridge review of international affairs, 24(01), 43-62.
Brasil, F. G., & Capella, A. C. N. (2016). Os estudos das políticas públicas no Brasil: passado, presente e caminhos futuros da pesquisa sobre análise de políticas. Revista Política Hoje, 25(1), 71-90.
Budd, L., Charlesworth, J., & Paton, R. (2006). Making policy happen. Routledge.
Byrne, D. S. (1998). Complexity theory and the social sciences: an introduction. Psychology Press.
Cairney, P. (2012). Complexity theory in political science and public policy. Political Studies Review, 10(3), 346-358.
Calmon, P. C. D. P., & Costa, M. M. (2007). Análise de Políticas Públicas no Brasil: estudos sobre a formação da agenda governamental. Brasília, DF.
Capella, A. C. N. (2007). Perspectivas teóricas sobre o processo de formulação de políticas públicas. Políticas públicas no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, 1, 87-124.
Capella, A. C., & Soares, A. G.; Brasil, F.G. (2014). Pesquisa em Políticas Públicas no Brasil: Um mapeamento da aplicação de modelos internacionais recentes na literatura nacional. ENCONTRO DA ABCP, 9.
Cilliers, P. (2005). Complexity, deconstruction and relativism. Theory, Culture & Society, 22(5), 255-267.
Cohen, M. D., & Axelrod, R. (2000). Harnessing complexity: organizational implications of a scientific frontier. Simon and Schuster.
Eppel, E. A. (2009). The contribution of complexity theory to understanding and explaining policy processes: A study of tertiary education policy processes in New Zealand.
Eppel, E. (2016). Complexity thinking in public administration’s theories-in-use. Public Management Review, 1-17.
Ferlie, E., Lynn, L. E., & Pollitt, C. (2005). The Oxford handbook of public management. Oxford University Press, USA.
Gatrell, A. C. (2005). Complexity theory and geographies of health: a critical assessment. Social Science & Medicine, 60(12), 2661-2671.
Gerrits, L., & Marks, P. (2015). The evolution of Wright’s (1932) adaptive field to contemporary interpretations and uses of fitness landscapes in the social sciences. Biology & Philosophy, 30(4), 459-479.
Geyer, R. & Rihani, S. (2010). Complexity and public policy: a new approach to twenty-first century politics, policy and society. Routledge.
Giddens, A. The Constitution of Society. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1984.
Goulielmos, A. M. (2005). Complexity theory: a science where historical accidents matter. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 14(4), 533-547.
Haken, A., & Cook, S. A. (1999). An exponential lower bound for the size of monotone real circuits. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 58(2), 326-335.
Haynes, P. (2009, abril). Complexity in Public Policy: Metaphors and Methods. Aula inaugural na Universidade de Brighton. Recuperado de:
Haynes, P. (2008) Complexity theory and evaluation in public management: a qualitative systems approach. Public Management Review, 10 (3). pp. 401-419.
Holland, J. H (1995). Hidden order: How adaptation builds complexity. Basic Books.
Horgan, J. (1995). From complexity to perplexity. Scientific American, 272, 104-109.
Jenkins-Smith, H. C., & Sabatier, P. A. (1999). The advocacy coalition framework: an assessment. Theories of the policy process. Westview Press, Boulder, 117-166.
John, P. (1998). Analysing Public Policy. A&C Black.
Kingdon, J. W. (2010). Agendas, alternatives and public policies (2nd ed.). New York: Addison-Wesley.
Klijn, E. H. (2008). Complexity Theory and Public Administration: What's New? Key concepts in complexity theory compared to their counterparts in public administration research. Public Management Review, 10(3), 299-317.
Koliba, C. (2014). Governance network performance: A complex adaptive systems approach. In Keast, R.; Mandell, M. & Agranoff, R. (Eds.), Network theory in the public sector: Building new theoretical frameworks. (pp. 84-102). London: Routledge.
Koppenjan, J. F. M., & Klijn, E.-H. (2014). What can governance network theory learn from complexity theory? Mirroring two perspectives on complexity. In Keast, R., Mandell, M. & Agranoff, R. (Eds.), Network theory in the public sector: Building new theoretical frameworks. (pp. 157-173). London: Routledge.
Lasswell, H. D. (1951). The Immediate Future of Research Policy and Method in Political Science. American Political Science Review, 45(01), 133-142.
Long, N. E. (1958). The local community as an ecology of games. American Journal of Sociology, 251-261.
Louth, G., Mitzenmacher, M., & Kelly, F. (1994). Computational complexity of loss networks. Theoretical Computer Science, 125(1), 45-59.
Lubell, M. (2013). Governing institutional complexity: The ecology of games framework. Policy Studies Journal, 41(3), 537-559.
Mainzer, K. (1993). Philosophical foundations of nonlinear complex systems. In Interdisciplinary approaches to nonlinear complex systems (pp. 32-43). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Manson, S. M. (2001). Simplifying complexity: a review of complexity theory. Geoforum, 32(3), 405-414.
Mitleton-Kelly, E. (2003). Complex systems and evolutionary perspectives on organisations: the application of complexity theory to organisations. Elsevier Science Ltd.
Moran, M., Rein, M., & Goodin, R. E. (2006). The Handbook of Public Policy.
Morçöl, G. (2002). A new mind for policy analysis: Toward a post-Newtonian and postpositivist epistemology and methodology.
Morçöl, G. (2005). A new systems thinking: implications of the sciences of complexity for public policy and administration. Public Administration Quarterly, 297-320.
Morçöl, G. (2010). Issues in reconceptualizing public policy from the perspective of complexity theory. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 12(1), 52.
Morçöl, G. (2012). Urban Sprawl And Public Policy: A Complexity Theory Perspective. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 14(4), 1.
Murray, P. J. (1998). Complexity theory and the fifth discipline. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 11(3), 275-293.
Ostrom, E. (2009). Beyond markets and states: polycentric governance of complex economic systems. Transnational Corporations Review, 2(2), 1-12.
Petridou, E. (2014), Theories of the Policy Process: Contemporary Scholarship and Future Directions. Policy Stud J, 42: S12–S32.
Prigogine, I. (1987). Exploring complexity. In G. Midgley (Ed.), Systems Thinking (pp. 409–417). London: Sage.
Prigogine, I. (1996). O fim das certezas. Unesp.
Puddifoot, J. E. (2000). Some problems and possibilities in the study of dynamical social processes. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 30(1), 79-97.
Rhodes, M. L., Murphy, J., Muir, J., & Murray, J. A. (2011). Public management and complexity theory: Richer decision-making in public services. New York: Routledge.
Sabatier, P. A. (2007). Theories of the Policy Process. 2. ed. Boulder: Westview Press.
Sabatier, P., & Weible, C. (2007). The advocacy coalition: Innovations and clarifications. Theories of the policy process, 2, 189-220.
Sanger, M., & Giddings, M. M. (2012). A simple approach to complexity theory. Journal of Social Work Education, 48(2), 369-376.
Schlager, E., & Weible, C. M. (2013). New theories of the policy process. Policy Studies Journal, 41(3), 389-396.
Simon, H. A. (1947). Administrative behavior; a study of decision-making processes in administrative organization.
Stacey, R. D. (2007). Strategic management and organisational dynamics: The challenge of complexity to ways of thinking about organisations. Pearson education.
Teisman, G., & Klijn, E.-H. (2008). Complexity theory and public management: An introduction. Public Management Review, 10(3), 287-297.
Teisman, G., Van Buuren, A., & Gerrits, L. (Eds.). (2009). Managing complex governance systems: Dynamics, self-organization, and coevolution in public investments. New York: Routledge.
Urry, J. (2003). Global complexity (pp. 51-59). Cambridge: Polity. Wu, J., & Marceau, D. (2002). Modeling complex ecological systems: an introduction. Ecological Modelling, 153(1), 1-6.
Weible, C. M., & Sabatier, P. A. (2005). Comparing policy networks: Marine protected areas in California. Policy Studies Journal, 33(2), 181-201.
Weible, C. M., Sabatier, P. A., & McQueen, K. (2009). Themes and variations: Taking stock of the advocacy coalition framework. Policy Studies Journal, 37(1), 121-140.
Como Citar
de Azevedo Almeida, L., & Corrêa Gomes, R. (2019). Perspectivas teóricas para a análise de políticas públicas: como lidam com a complexidade?. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 11(1), 16–27.
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