About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Journal Public Administration & Social Management (Administração Pública e Gestão Social - APGS), publishes quarterly in electronic form of scientific anda tecnological papers, articles and teaching cases in Portuguese, Spanish and English in the areas of Public Administration, Management and Social Third Sector. Because of its multidisciplinary aspect, APGS accepts, also, contributions in other areas of knowledge, provided that relationed with its editorial policy.
The focus of the APGS is to reach a target audience interested and concerned with the development of these fields of knowledge, among then, teachers, academics, researchers, public administrators and social managers.
The mission of the journal is contributing to the rapid and effective spread of the relevant scientific knowledge in Administration, specifically in the Public and Social fields. To achieve this purpose, APGS has quality content, with free access and can be viewed, downloaded or printed.
The Editorial Policy Committee and the Scientific Editorial Board are composed of professors and researchers from various regions of Brazil and abroad, which give to the journal an important part of their experience.
We invite you, interested in the subject of Public Administration and Social Management, to contribute with us in the aim of transforming the APGS in one of the most important scientific communication vehicles and technological in the area, through the publication of quality papers, citation of articles and dissemination in social networks.
Peer Review Process
Peer Review Process
Scientific Articles and Teaching Cases submitted at Administração Pública e Gestão Social (Public Administration and Social Management) Journal follow a strict evaluation process, following the good practices of international scientific publication, according to the evaluation standards and procedures of approval described in section “announcements” in this journal.
The evaluation of Peer Review Process lasts about 120 days, counting following steps:
The journal has a notorious group of evaluators, who are experts in APGS Journal. These evaluators are teachers and researchers from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (Viçosa's Federal University) and especially other Universities in and outside Brazil, as mentioned in “Editorial Team”.
After submitted by the author (with or without coauthored) at the Revista APGS website for free ( no taxes charged), in which indicated at the submissions form that the work is unprecedented and agrees with the authorial rights politics of APGS Journal, the process shall begin.
The process occurs by Open Journal Systems (OJS, system of free code to administration and journals publication, developed with support and distribution by Public Knowledge by GNU General Public License's license.
The first step of the desk review is the submission of the papers under a plagiarism checker. After that, in approximately 30 days after submitted, the editor analyzes weather the work is appropriate for the journal's focus, scope and author guidelines. If negative, the first author is requested for a resubmission of the work according to the guidelines. If positive, the second step shall begin, in which the editor identifies between the evaluators registered in this website, those who possess cognizance and affinity with work's specific theme.
With the identification of the most qualified evaluators behind, the editor invites the evaluators to participate voluntarily in the process. In this invitation, contains the work's title and abstract to be evaluated, without identification of authory, preserving the authors anonymity.
In case both the evaluators accept to perform the evaluation, they should indicate there no conflict of interest at the journals website and proceed with evaluation under a double blind review process that closes with filling the online form, according to the articles and teaching cases’ evaluation guidelines.
After to concluded the evaluation at the journal's website. The editor is communicated by e-mail about the evaluations results. When closed the evaluation process, in each volume closure (year), the evaluators will receive a certificated of APGS Journal, by e-mail, signed by the editor, attesting your willing contribution at the blind review.
Therefore, the evaluation result can be:
a) Accepted to the publication as presented;
b) Accepted to the publication, considering obligatory corrections registered at this form by the evaluators;
c) Rejected to the publication;
* In cases of conflicting feedback, the journal editor will send the paper to a third reviewer before arriving at a decision.
Based on one of these results pointed by the evaluators, the editor communicates the result to the work's authors. In assent case, the authors should attend the review requests by the evaluators, if applicable, in a period of 30 days.
After the work is reviewed and submitted by the authors, the editor performs the conference of requested reviews. After is confirmed the work is original and appropriate for publication, the editor forwards the approved work to layout adequacy that should be done by the redaction team, that, in a period of 15 days, will organize a new edition, usually containing 5 articles and 1 teaching case (if existing), to published in the journal's website under a Creative Commons Licenses Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.
The submission and publishing of papers, as well as the full access to published papers, are free of charge on the Administração Pública e Gestão Social (APGS) website.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Editorial Scientific Committee
It is formed by researchers acting together and democratically. The main responsibility of this Committee is to ensure the credibility of adopted editorial procedures and to assume the scientific responsibility in order to ensure that the mission and scope of the APGS are met. This Committee contributes indicating the Scientific Editor - who becomes its natural member after approval at a regular meeting of the Department of Administration and Accounting from theUniversidade Federal de Viçosa(UFV) -, publisher and head office of this journal. Furthermore, its attributions are of a scientific nature. Special editions and other scientific contributions not foreseen in the editorial policy of the journal should be discussed and defined by this Committee. Its attribution is discussing and developing regulations to assist the editorial process of the journal as standards and works formatting, evaluation criteria and accepting texts for publication, approval of the budget, accreditation and reaccreditation of adviser, among other matters. This Editorial Scientific Committee does not act directly on the executive and editorial management of APGS, which is responsibility of the Editor and his staff. The mandate of this Council shall be three years, able to be renewed.
Scientific Editor
This one is responsible for the establishment of Editorial Policy, for editorial management and for the staff supervision, which operates the whole workflow, described in OJS platform, in menu item “About /About the System of Electronic Publication of Journals”. The Editor has specific action on the prior selection of works submitted to the Journal, on the distribution of articles among advisers, who will evaluate them. If the works have the expected quality they will be published. Additionally, the Editor must have an active position in the work of the Editorial Scientific Committee and in articulations of the Council of Editorial Policy.
Adviser /Evaluator
This one is responsible for reviewing the works submitted, which is one of the most critical attributions on building a good quality journal. A good adviser contributes to build a positive reputation of the journal and of its own attribution. APGS has formed a network of collaborators, many of which are past authors and potential future authors. Acting as an adviser can be treated as a counterpart for the work of reviewing their own texts, but this has been a practice that takes a great effort and it deserves to be encouraged. The evaluation system for APGS is accepting (or not) works for publication and to contribute to the improvement of the text in scientific terms and presentation. It is recommended that the adviser follow the evaluation criteria established by the Journal and act with discretion, respect and constructive tone, because this posture contributes to the career development of the student, teacher or researcher author. The adviser should always have a posture to accept an evaluation to which feels comfortable in thematic, theoretical and methodological terms. The process is double-blind peer review.
Author of Work
The author is the most relevant agent in the entire editorial system, because he is the responsible for the journal’s content and its consequences in terms of quality and citations. To publish in APGS, following the good practices, the author must observe the editorial policy and a sample of recently published articles to guide the preparation of his work (full articles of scientific nature or cases for teaching) to submit in the Journal. It is important that the author do not send his work to more than one periodical, because, besides being a lack of ethics, burdens the work of the editorial board of scientific journals, whose work is usually voluntary and costly. Thus, if the author submits the same work for a new periodical, it is recommended that he formally withdraw the same from the evaluation process of APGS. The author should also submit articles that are fruits of original researches and within the scope of the journal, still respecting the format and standards for publication. Furthermore, after the review process it is fair that the author absorb the constructive comments of the review process. But the author can perfectly do not accept them and make efforts to argue his position, whatever it is. In case of non-acceptance of work, the author should feel encouraged to continue his work, looking forward to a new submission.
Catalographic Card
Administração Pública e Gestão Social Journal - APGS ®Eletronic Resource – http://www.apgs.ufv.br Vol.1, No.1 (january/march 2009) – Viçosa- MG - Brazil. Departamento de Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV
Periodicity: quartely
ISSN: 2175-5787.
1. Public Administration Journal. 2. Social Management - Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Indexers and Directories
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals
Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
ERIH PLUS European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences
EZ3 Eletronic Journals Library
German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)
LivRe - Periodicos na Internet
SPELL Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library
In evaluation
CLASE. Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
ICAP Indexação Compartilhada de Artigos de Periódicos
PERIÓDICA. Índice de Revistas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV: http://www.ufv.br
Fundação de AmParo à Pesquisa do estado de Minas Gerais - FAPEMIG: http://www.fapemig.br
Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos - ABEC: http://www.abecbrasil.org.br
CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico: www.cnpq.br
Statistics of Editorial Process - APGS Journal
2013 – Workflow *
Received: 112
Approved: 23
Approval index: 21%
Rejected: 46
Rejection index: 41%
In Evaluation: 13
Published: 22
Not designated: 30
Not returned by the author: 1
2012 – Workflow *
Received: 82
Approved: 26
Approval index: 32%
Rejected: 34
Rejection index: 42%
In Evaluation: 22
Published: 22
Not designated: 20
Not returned by the author: 4
Statistics performed manually due to the need to resume the periodicity of publications from 2011 and 2012 that were delayed, as described in the journal history.Because of this, the statistical data of the website do not match the one conducted in the period 2011-2013. Since 2014 the statistical data is extracted from the website electronically with greater reliability.
Policies of good practices and ethics in the APGS
Ethical Practices of Editorial Board
- The editorial board will be fair and impartial in their practices, without discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs or geographical origin of the authors.
- The editorial board will preserve the quality of publications
- The editorial board will ensure that the articles APGS publishes will are under the scope of the journal
- The editorial board will enforce high ethical standards for reviewers
- The editorial board will reply promptly to requests from reviewers, authors, and readers
Ethical Practices of Reviewers
- The reviewers will ensure the quality of the articles published in the APGS
- The listed reviewers should offer the authors a clear, objective, fair and respectful review
- The reviewers must respect the timelines to submit their review
- The reviewers will maintain the confidentiality of articles under evaluation, alerting the editor in case of finding any abnormality
- The reviewers must alert the editor about any potential conflicts of interest
Ethical Practices of Authors
- The authors must present original and high-quality manuscripts
- The authors must be with accountable to all dimensions of their ethical conduct during the research process
- The authors must ensure that the manuscript is not under consideration or accepted for publication elsewhere
- The authors must promptly inform the editor if a significant error in the article is identified
- The authors must declare if there are any potential conflicts of interest
- The authors are responsible for any plagiarism or self-plagiarism
- All authors must agree with theoretical and methodological approaches, as well as findings and conclusions present in the article
Journal History
The Public Administration and Social Management Journal (APGS), ISSN 2175-5787, was grounded in 2009 as a quarterly periodical to publish scientific works.
The nomination of the Journal Editor is held at a meeting of professors and researchers from the Department of Administration and Accountancy (DAD) of Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), in Brazil. The election of the Editor is recorded in the Minutes of Meeting and he receives a formal document for a three-year term. The Editor can be reappointed for a new term. The first Editor of this Journal was Professor Marco Ferreira Aurélio Marques, from 2009 to June 2012. At the beginning of that time, the Editorial Board, in partnership with the Post-Graduation Management Coordinator, Professor Suely de Fatima Ramos Silveira, earned funds from the Fundação Arthur Bernades Program announcement – Funarbe Support for the Post-Graduate Students of UFV (Funarpós). These resources were able to help the linguistic and technical review of papers published in the APGS Journal from 2009 to 2011, making a total of 3 volumes and 12 issues with 61 published articles.
The current Editor, Professor Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer, began acting as a co-manager of the Editorial Board of the APGS Journal in March 2012, taking office on June 28th, 2012.
Every three years, the list of members of the Editorial Policy Board, the Scientific and Editorial Committee and the Referees of APGS can be renewed in response to an Editor request or to a request from the members themselves. The choosing of the members is based on their professional and academic experience, as well as on their significant scientific production in the field of Public Administration and Social Management. At the end of the term or after the triennial review of the work, they all receive a statement from the editors of the journal as a way of formally proving the gratitude for the voluntary collaboration to the APGS Journal.
From 2011 on, APGS has gradually begun to adopt the best practices of Scientific Publication of the National Association for Research and Post-Graduate Studies in Management – ANPAD.
In 2012, the APGS Journal was included at the SPELL website – Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library – which is a system to index, search and provide scientific papers free of charge, being a reference in the area of Administration. Moreover, APGS has established a partnership with SEC Jr. Consultoria, an Executive Secretariat Enterprise in Federal University of Viçosa, to get assistance in the linguistic proofreading services and in the translation of works and of the APGS website.
In the same year, the APGS Journal was classified, for the first time, within the Qualis System of Coordination for Higher Education Staff Development – CAPES –, respectively per stratum/area of knowledge:
The eligibilities above reiterate the multi-disciplinary character of the APGS Journal through its diversity of topics and discussions in the published works.
Finally, in 2013, the Journal will also begin to publish teaching cases and, with this practice, may be considered a disseminator of educational technology to the field of Public Administration and Social Management.