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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication in any other journal. The article was not, published fully or partially, in the annals of conferences, meetings, symposiums and other events, otherwise, specify the annals and year of publication in "Comments Editor."

  • The article follows the standards and bibliographic requirements in “ Author Guidelines”

  • The text of the paper has undergone a detailed review, ensuring quality of writing. At the work there is a sufficiently clear exposure of the quantitative and or qualitative methods used in the article.

  • The submission file is in .doc extension and should not exceed 2MB.

  • The identification of authorship of the work was based in the file and Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the criterion secrecy of the journal, if subjected to evaluation in pairs, as Ensuring instructions available in Blind Pairs Evaluation.

Author Guidelines

Submission of paper is free of charge at APGS

The Administração Pública e Gestão Social (Public Administration and Social Management) Journal receive works with the following topics:

  • Public Management
  • Public Policies
  • Public Finances & Accounting
  • Governmental Planning
  • Regional Development
  • Federal or State Government and Society
  • Third Sector                                                                                      
  • Cooperativism & Associativism
  • Public Sector Economics
  • Demographics & Environment
  • Public Health and Life Quality
  • Public Security
  • Tourism in the Public Sphere
  • Innovation and Local Development
  • Public Organizations and Education
  • Territories and Governance
  • Coproduction of Public Service and the Common Good 

 Paper Submission Process

The Editorial Policy Committee and the Scientific Editorial Board follow the guidelines of good practice in scientific publication, adopting the Blind Review system (blind pairs evaluation) in the analysis of articles in scientific cases to submit for publication.

The text of the article should contain from 7.000 to 9.000 words, including abstract, keywords, bibliographic references and, if appropriate, acknowledgments.

Papers are accepted in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Every submission in portugueses and spanish should always contain a version of the title, abstract and keywords in English.


Paper: A-4 (29.7 x 21 cm).

Margins: upper: 3cm; lower: 2cm; right: 2cm; left: 3cm.

Word processor: Word for Windows 6.0 or later version.

Font: Times New Roman, size 12.

Spacing: single (including titles, abstract, text, citations and references).

Paragraphs: justified alignment: flush left and right.

Its not admitted more than 4 authors per article and all of them should be registered in this website. Exceptionally, it will be accepted more than 4 authors per article only when invited by the Editorial Crew.

Two is the maximum number of articles that can be submitted per author every year, independently of the author position. The author(s) with work(s) approved can only have one article and a teaching case published in each volume year.

Structure and Formatting Article

Verify the specifications:

1-    File with the article and or teaching case completed with no author identification and topics or chapters numeration. Theoretical Foundations, Methodological Procedures (except for trials), Discussion, Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions or Final Thoughts and References.

2-   Title: It should indicate the main result found on the work. The rule is to be informative, tell the reader the contribution of your work.

3 - Abstract (New Structure in Topics for Articles, from August/2020): Abstracts must be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English and contain up to 300 words each. In addition to the abstract, between three and five keywords must be presented, also observing the three languages.

Regarding keywords, we do not recommend the use of terms that include areas of knowledge (generalists), such as Administration, Public Administration, Accounting; location of the investigation, for example, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and terms already mentioned in the title of the paper. We recommend that they use keywords that refer to specific terms of the research carried out, that meet the scope of the journal and that facilitate the search in indexers or directories.

For the structure of the abstract, presented in topics, the requirements are:

- Research approach: Presentation of the general research objective.

- Theoretical framework: Presentation of the background/ theoretical basis used to support the research.

- Research Methods: Presentation of the methodological procedures used in the study, regardless of the approach used. The authors must answer “how” they conducted the study.

- Findings: Presentation of the main findings. Authors must explain “what” was found in the research in response to the problem/ hypotheses/propositions addressed in the study.

- Originality: Presentation of how the research is sustained by its originality. What in the subject is not explained or can be explained (gaps) differently? What differences are there in relation to previous studies? How were such theoretical or literature (gaps) made up to impact the area?

- Theoretical and practical contributions: Presentation of the main implications that the study offers for the advancement of theory in Public Administration, Public Accounting and/or Social Management and the Third Sector. In addition to the implications for practice in these areas.

For Teaching Cases, abstracts, in the three languages, must be prepared in up to 150 words with contents that include information about the context, the dilemma and the closing of the Case. The keywords, from three to five, must also be presented.

 4-   Quotes and references: it should contain all of the information sources in the text, following the rules of Quotes and References APA (American Psychological Association). Is recommended to read carefully and attend every orientation detailed about quotes and references in APA, from the ANPAD Journals. 

5-   The published articles at APGS use endnotes, which should be used the least possible.

6-   Illustration (Images, Tables, Boxes etc.) should be in editable form with 8 cm width maximum. At the top of the illustration it should be your designation and your indicative number (ex.: Table 2). When elaborated from another article, its necessary to indicate the sources. Its important for the author to know the difference between table and box.

The non-compliance of this standard will imply on the devolution of the work in the condition of: inappropriate submission.

Mean Time of Submission Review: 4 months

Mean Time Published (after acceptation): 6 months





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