Covid-19: Analysis of the Efficiency of Brazilian Federative Units in Pandemic Control


  • Richardson Coimbra Borges UFMS
  • Adriano Nuitin Universidade Federal de Alfenas - UNIFAL
  • Alessandro Silva de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS



Research Purpose: This study has the general objective of measuring the performance (efficiency) of Brazilian federative units to control the Covid-19 pandemic and mitigate the number of deaths. In order to meet the general objective, two perspectives were analyzed, with the following specific objectives being defined: (i) to measure the efficiency to control the spread of the pandemic; and (ii) to measure the efficiency to minimize deaths.

Theoretical framework: This article is based on the literature regarding the public management of the Covid 19 pandemic by the Brazilian Federal Units.

Methodology: To achieve the proposed objective, a quantitative, descriptive, and exploratory study was conducted using the Data Envelopment Analysis methodology in August and November 2020. The population is composed of the 27 Brazilian Federative Units.

Results: The main results report that social isolation and transparency of information made available to the population assist in reducing the spread of the disease and minimizing the number of deaths.

Originality: This study differs from others because, despite the importance of analyzing governmental performance in the context of epidemics, it is worth noting that no studies were found in the literature (research conducted in Web of Science, Periódicos Capes, Google Scholar, Spell, BDTD, ANPAD database and Google search engine) that aimed to measure the efficiency of Brazilian federal units in the Covid-19 episode using DEA.

Theoretical and practical contributions: This study contributes to the literature by investigating the efficiency/inefficiency of government action in the Covid 19 pandemic. According to the analysis the results of inefficiency in preventing the spread of the coronavirus and reduction of deaths, can contribute to the definition of actions and decision making by managers in minimizing the effects of the epidemic.


Keywords: SARS-CoV-2; government response; Data Envelopment Analysis.


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How to Cite

Coimbra Borges, R., Nuitin, A., & Silva de Oliveira, A. (2022). Covid-19: Analysis of the Efficiency of Brazilian Federative Units in Pandemic Control. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 14(2).


