How to Support Social Accountability? Making Room on the Agenda for a Remote Council of Citizens – the Social Participation Council


  • Lucélia Rocha da Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Eudenísio Batista da Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Tiago Melo Valêncio Controladoria-Geral do Estado de Goiás
  • Diego Ramalho Freitas Controladoria-Geral do Estado de Goiás
  • Marjorie Lynn Nogueira Santos Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Alessandra Siqueira Lessa Universidade de Brasília



Context of the case: the case is part of the context in which the attributions of promoting open government and citizen participation gain prominence beyond the classic attributions of auditing, inspection and correction of internal control bodies.

The dilemma of the case: the dilemma lies in establishing a remote social participation council, in a scenario whose effectiveness and legitimacy of this type of forum has been questioned and whose remote format has limitations mainly in guaranteeing the representation of the most excluded stakeholders in society.

Case closure: the narrative leads the student to reflect on ways of participating in a representative democracy and on strategies for including a project on the public agenda, giving an opinion on the path that public managers should follow, taking into account that expanding the proposal of inclusion can mean the government's resistance, both in its executive and legislative spheres, to approve the proposal.


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Author Biography

Eudenísio Batista da Silva, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Falecido em 2021. 



How to Cite

Rocha da Silva, L., Batista da Silva, E., Melo Valêncio, T., Ramalho Freitas, D., Lynn Nogueira Santos, M., & Siqueira Lessa, A. (2023). How to Support Social Accountability? Making Room on the Agenda for a Remote Council of Citizens – the Social Participation Council. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 15(1).



Teaching Case