Cuando los Alcaldes Contaminan




Obective: The objective is to analyze the extent to which mayors' ideology and municipal election results influence the generation of pollutant emissions.

Theoretical framework: Theories of the political cycle and party preference.

Methodology: We use CO2 emissions as a proxy for environmental damage. For the political variables left, right and electoral cycle dummies were created. These effects were controlled for GDP, harvest area, population density and president's party during the analyzed period. Due to the structure and availability of the information, a data panel with fixed effects was used.

Results: We found that both right-wing and left-wing mayors have incorporated environmental demands into political practice during the exercise of their mandates. However, the same cannot be said of what happens in election years.

Originality: No studies were identified that relate ideology, political cycles and CO2 emissions for Brazil.

Theoretical and practical contributions: The results of this study show that the impact of self-promotion policies in the period studied can be reflected in the environment as a consequence of a spillover effect of public spending over the production-environment relationship. On this basis, it is necessary for society to monitor not only public finances, but also the consequences of public actions on the environment during political cycles.

Keywords: Pollution, Ideology, Political Cycle, Municipalities, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Santos Robinson, A. L. dos, de Menezes Larrauscaim, I., de Freitas, C. A., & Perozo, D. (2024). Cuando los Alcaldes Contaminan. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 16(3).


