Systematic Mapping of Recent Scientific Production in Public Governance




Research objective: This article carries out a systematic mapping of the scientific production, a modality of bibliometric study, on the theme of public governance, of the articles of the Scopus and Web of Science databases in the period from 2018 to 2022.

Theoretical framework: Systematic mapping of scientific production – bibliometric analysis on public governance.

Methodology: Submission of search string in the databases; generation of files with bibliometric data; merging data from the databases; removal of duplicate data to generate bibliometric report. Analysis of the article's publication year, country of origin, number of citations per country and paper, number of collaborations between authors from different countries, number of articles per country, author and journal, author impact index, co-occurrence of keywords, and co-citation networks.

Results: The area of public governance shows a growing trend; it is a theme present in research around the world, with intense collaboration between countries in North America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. The co-occurrence of keywords allowed the identification of clusters that indicate subareas of research, such as innovation, public policy, networks, and co-production. About the co-citation networks, it was possible to identify that the author Osborne is the primary reference in the area.

Originality: Public Governance encompasses different approaches and understandings, which generates different research themes. No bibliometric studies of the systematic mapping type on this topic were identified.

Theoretical and practical contributions: This article contributes to the critical development of public governance by helping researchers define paths of future studies based on the results of systematic mapping, especially from the Brazilian perspective.

Keywords: Governance in the public sector, Public Administration, New Public Management, Co-production.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues da Silva, M., & Vicentin, I. C. (2024). Systematic Mapping of Recent Scientific Production in Public Governance. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 16(3).


