Política habitacional, Avaliação de políticas públicas, Perfil socioeconômicoAbstract
The focus of this study was to investigate the housing program "Letter of Associative Credit " in the municipality of Cajuri, in Minas Gerais. The objective was to outline the economic profile of the beneficiaries and assess the results and focus of the program. The data collection was done through questionnaires given to a sample of 66 subjects, and the analysis manipulated by statistical procedures in SPSS V.15.0 ®. As results, are highlighted the work of social mobilization of families in order to implement participatory management program, the high level of focus that most of the beneficiary population have lower incomes than the minimum wage, being really poor families covered by the action of State; and the integration with other urban policies. As negative aspect, the majority of beneficiaries are little satisfied with the number of rooms of the new house, which is standardized. In general, it can be concluded that the high level of satisfaction with the program and the high level of focus reinforce the importance of housing for the quality of life, self-esteem and family security, representing the fulfillment of a constitutional right.
Key-Words: Housing policy. Evaluation of public policy. Socioeconomic profile.
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