Tools, methods, and some caveats to analyze the Brazilian Judiciary Performance data.



Palabras clave:

Judiciary Performance, OLS, PLS-SEM, IPMA, Non-Linear


Objective: it discusses the judiciary´s performance antecedents in Brazil. It based its model on the work of Dimitrova-Grajzl, Grajzl, Sustersic, and Zajc (2012) about the Slovenian courts.

Design: performance, human capital, expenditures, investment in new technologies, and caseload is measured using OLS, PLS-SEM, IPMA, and quadratic regression using CNJ data.

Findings: The quantitative results show workforce profiles in details, the linear relationship, and the moderating effect of workload as not significant, while its quadratic effect enriches the discussion about productivity.

Originality: the results and the methodological path and data caveats are opportunities for future works to explain the ambiguities when performance is compared using Dimitrova-Grajzl´s and present work models.


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Biografía del autor/a


Doutor e mestre em Administração e Graduado em computação, todos pela UFES

Helio Zanquetto-Filho, UFES


Washington Romão Santos, UFES

Doutorando PPGADM UFES

Marcelo Moll Brandão, UGV/UFES



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Cómo citar

LOURO, A. C., Zanquetto-Filho, H., Santos, W. R., & Brandão, M. M. (2021). Tools, methods, and some caveats to analyze the Brazilian Judiciary Performance data. Revista De Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 13(1).


