
  • Leonardo Querido Cardenas Assistant Professor Department of Agrotechnology and Social Sciences Federal Rural University of Semi-Arid – UFERSA Av Francisco Mota, 572, Bairro Costa e Silva, code: 59625 900 Phone: +55 84 33178562 Mossoro,Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil
  • Diego Pacheco Departamento de Engenharia de Produção Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Oswaldo Aranha 99 Porto Alegre,Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil +55 51 3308-353
  • Fernando Dias Lopes Management School, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS Washington Luiz, 855, Historic Center. code: 90010-460. Porto Alegre,Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil +55 51 3308-353



The attention on innovations in agriculture is recent and, over the past decades, there has been a change in this matter. This new reality has brought in enormous changes to this business, promoting productivity gains and changing the dynamics of agribusiness. This research aim to understand these innovations following four types proposed by Tidd, Bessant and Pavitt (2008): innovation of product, process, position and paradigm. Primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews with ten key actors in this production chain. These interviews were analyzed using content analysis whereas the secondary data were analyzed qualitatively by means of the document analysis technique. Results showed that several innovations occurred in the bovine sector over the past two decades, essentially based on incremental focus, and directed to improving product quality and achieving production efficiency gains. Despite this progress, quality is still a challenge in the sector, in part by limiting access to some markets. In this sense, the action of some agents seems essential to overcome the main barriers of this sector.



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Como Citar

Cardenas, L. Q., Pacheco, D., & Lopes, F. D. (2019). THE AGRIBUSINESS INNOVATION IN BOVINE SUPPLY CHAIN IN BRAZIL: LANDSCAPE AND CHALLENGES. Revista De Economia E Agronegócio, 16(3), 305–326.


