
  • Brandon McKee NSF REU Fellow, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University
  • Ana Claudia Sant'Anna Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics. The Ohio State University
  • Jason S Bergtold Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University
  • Marcellus M Caldas Geography Department, Kansas State University
  • Gabriel Granco Stroud Water Research Center



An increase in biofuel demand aligned with public policies has fueled the expansion of sugarcane into Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul in the Cerrado. Geographic, temporal and physical asset specificities delimit the area from which mills can procure sugarcane, making sugarcane producers and mills dependent on each other. Thus contracting is a common practice in sugarcane production in the Cerrado and its success directly impacts the sustainability of the ethanol expansion. We fill a gap in the literature on producers’ contract acceptance and trust by determining the factors that affect contract perception and trust with contractors. Using primary data from the states of Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul we estimate ordered logit models using producer’s perceptions, their characteristics and that of their enterprise. Profits and experience are important factors for a producer when considering a contract. Communication, transparency and other farmer’s perception of a mill were important in building trust. Mills wanting to improve their chances of signing a contract should focus on more participation in the community and on better communication with farmers.


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Author Biographies

Brandon McKee, NSF REU Fellow, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University

Brandon H. McKee was a fellow for the National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduates Site: Summer Academy for Sustainable Bioenergy at Kansas State University in the summer of 2017. He is an undergraduate student pursuing his BS in Food and Resource Economics at the University of Florida. His research interests include international marketing, biofuels and agribusiness.

Ana Claudia Sant'Anna, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics. The Ohio State University

Dr. Ana Cláudia Sant’Anna is a post-doctor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics at The Ohio State University. Her BA in Economics is from University of Brasilia, her MS in Applied Economics from University of Sao Paulo, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, and her PhD in Economics is from Kansas State University. Her research interests are agribusiness, production economics, land use, policy analysis, bioenergy economics.

Jason S Bergtold, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University

Dr. Jason S. Bergtold is a professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University. He earned his BS in Economics from Colorado State University, and his MS in Agricultural and Applied Economics and PhD in Economics from Virginia Tech. His research interests include production economics, conservation, bioenergy, land-use economics and applied econometrics.

Marcellus M Caldas, Geography Department, Kansas State University

Dr. Marcellus M. Caldas is an associate professor in the Geography Department at Kansas State University. He earned his BS in Economics from Pontificie Catholic University, and his MS in Agricultural Economics from the Federal University of Viçosa. He holds a PhD in Geography from Michigan State University. His research interests are Human-Environment Interaction, Land Reform, and Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing to Land Cover and Land Use Change.

Gabriel Granco, Stroud Water Research Center

Dr. Gabriel Granco is a post-doctoral research scientist at Stroud Water Research Center. He earned his BS in Economics and MS in Applied Economics at the University of Sao Paulo, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture and PhD in Geography from Kansas State University. His research interests include Human-Environment Interaction, Land Change Science, GIScience, Spatial Data Analysis, and Econometrics.


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How to Cite

McKee, B., Sant’Anna, A. C., Bergtold, J. S., Caldas, M. M., & Granco, G. (2017). TRUST ME! EXAMINING THE CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SUGARCANE PRODUCERS AND MILLS IN THE CERRADO. Revista De Extensão E Estudos Rurais, 6(2), 98–117.