
  • Rodolfo Moura Pereira Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Jose Augusto Krolhing Lima Faculdade DOCTUM - ES
  • Jonas Da Silva Pena Faculdade DOCTUM - ES


fat-free mass, sarcopenia, elderly


This study aimed to analyze the weight profile in the elderly over 60 years active and inactive regarding strength exercises. The active group, already practicing physical activities for over a year, underwent to a 12week strength training routine based on progressive resistance method. After this period, we collected data allowing the analysis of the following aspects: total weight; fat-free mass (FFM); weight fat; and fat percentage. We found a statistically significant difference, especially in levels of fatfree mass, suggesting the strength training as an important ally in reducing the effects of sarcopenia, because it provides better quality of life for the elderly


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How to Cite

Pereira, R. M. ., Lima, J. A. K. ., & Pena, J. D. S. . (2014). ANALYSIS OF WEIGHT PROFILE OF ELDERLY MEN PRACTITIONERS AND NON-PRACTITIONERS OF STRENGTH EXERCISES. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 22(3), 153–165. Retrieved from