cardiovascular risk factors, obesity, body mass index, lifestyle, teenagersAbstract
Although most cardiovascular diseases occur in adulthood, the process starts, often, in childhood and adolescence. The early recognition of cardiovascular risk associated with lifestyle is crucial for the development of preventive health practices in this population. Objectives: Verify the prevalence of overweight and obesity in students of public education network in the city of Uba/MG. Methods: The sample consisted of 126 students of both sexes with age between 13 and 17 years (14.8 ± 1.3). To evaluate the nutritional status, the following anthropometric measurements were used: height (cm) and body mass (kg) to calculate BMI; and skinfolds: triceps, subscapular and abdominal, to calculate the body fat percentage. Results: For the whole sample, values of 83% of eutrophic individuals, 13% with overweight and 3% with obesity were found. After analyzing the results, it can be observed that the values of BMI and % BF found in females were higher than males and that these increased in the course of age. Conclusion: The prevalence of individuals with appropriate nutritional status was significantly higher than individuals with overweight and obesity in addition; the highest values were found in females and in more advanced ages.
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