
  • Heidi Jancer Ferreira Mestranda em Representações do Movimento Humano - Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • José Geraldo do Carmo Salles Professor do Departamento de Educação Física - Universidade Federal de Viçosa


female athletes’ profile, women, team sports, female sport


This study aimed to outline the profile of MG female athletes participants of Games of the Interior of Minas (JIMI) in 1997 and in 2008, establishing a comparison between the data found in these two editions. We applied questionnaires to female athletes, who practice futsal, volleyball, basketball and handball in the final phase of the Games. The sample consisted of 479 informants. It was applied the T-test to compare mean age, time of sports practice and the number of participations in JIMI of athletes investigated in 1997 and 2008. Significant differences (pd”0.05) for these variables were detected. The level of education, marital status and participation in other types of competition were analyzed through relative frequency distribution. The profile found in most of athletes indicates that: they are young women, single, high school education level, who practice sports for over eight years and have participated in few editions of JIM. Comparing the two edition, there was improvement in the education level of athletes, increase in time of sports practice, age and number of participantions in the games, what suggests an increase in competitive level of athletes . 


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How to Cite

Ferreira, H. J. ., & Salles, J. G. do C. . (2013). MG FEMALE ATHLETES’ PROFILE WHO PRACTICE TEAM SPORTS IN THE YEARS FROM 1997 AND 2008 . Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 21(2), 58–70. Retrieved from