
  • Karini Borges dos Santos Mestre em Educação Física pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Especialista em Educação no Campo pela Faculdade Eficaz de Maringá/PR. Docente da UFPR
  • Hernani Augusto Guntowski Educador Físico graduado pela Uniandrade/PR.
  • Silvana Rodrigues Malheiro Huss Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM. Docente da Faculdade Eficaz de Maringá/ PR


Physical Education, Country Education, professional formation.


Physical activity contributes to the integral development of the student, considering the physical, cognitive, social and psychological aspects. However, to be meaningful, it must be respected the singularities of each group. This study aimed to verify the preparation in the formation of physical education professional to work specifically with Country Education. Therefore, it was performed an overview of colleges offering the Licentiateship course in Physical Education in the city of Curitiba; it was analyzed the curriculum guide of each course; it was verified the presence / absence of the contents in the syllabus; and, finally, it was performed a poll with the egress students in order to investigate if the graduation provided some preparation for teaching focused on the country people group. From the eight evaluated colleges, it was found that only one includes the subject of Country Education in its syllabus. The movement allows communication, development, formulation of critical thinking and is reflected in a formation for citizenship. Thus, the Physical Education discipline is an important element in the teaching and learning process countryman for revitalization and valorization of his identity. However, to fulfill its role, it is essential to be articulated with the country reality.


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How to Cite

Santos, K. B. dos ., Guntowski, H. A. ., & Huss, S. R. M. . (2013). THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL FORMATION TO WORK IN THE COUNTRY EDUCATION. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 21(2), 105–115. Retrieved from