Naturalization process of the handball athletes in Qatar


  • Rhuan Paes de Lucena Bacharel em Educação Física – Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • José Geraldo do Carmo Salles Professor do Departamento de Educação Física – UFV.


handball, naturalization, sports policy, IHF, World Handball Championship Qatar 2015


Throughout sport’s history it can be noticed how common some athletes will represent countries which do not relate to their origin. The 24th edition of the World Adult Male Handball Championship occurred in 2015 in Qatar; an Arab country located in the Middle East that is linked through this sport to the Asian continent. A project from Qatari absolutist government has sought to host some major international sporting events. Up to this World Championship, Qatar’s handball had no international expression. However, through a process of naturalization of athletes from different countries, they got together a team with high expertise culminating with Qatar winning the second place at the event. The naturalization and dual citizenship of the athletes are common actions in sports in general and in this case followed the rules of the International Handball Federation (IHF). This device has been used in sports in general since its inception yet in the Ancient Olympic Games. Nowadays, each federation seeks to deal with its rules for the inclusion permission process of these non-native athletes. The purpose of this essay is to draw a parallel between the fact that occurred in handball with the football game. This research will present the indicators of this naturalization process forced on the field of international sports policy that enabled Qatar to build this team, which was questioned by other participating countries. However, when checking the factsheets from other handball teams of some European countries, it was observed that naturalization is commonplace. What seems to have created this discontent was the lack of sporting tradition in Qatar, occupying a prominent position on the map of international handball. 


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How to Cite

Lucena, R. P. de ., & Salles, J. G. do C. . (2016). Naturalization process of the handball athletes in Qatar. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 24(3), 46–65. Retrieved from