
  • Marcos de Sá Rego Fortes Instituto de Pesquisa da Capacitação Física do Exército - IPCFEx
  • Runer Augusto Marson Instituto de Pesquisa da Capacitação Física do Exército - IPCFEx
  • Eduardo Camillo Martinez Instituto de Pesquisa da Capacitação Física do Exército - IPCFEx


physical performance, fatigue, neuromuscular responses


A literature review was done in electronic databases Medline and Web of Science, PubMed and textbooks. Comparative studies were consulted between genders retrospectively until the year of 1995. The differences related to sex in physical performance are explained mainly by differences in physiological, morphological and functional characteristics of men and women. Neuromuscular, metabolic and morphological responses between men and women reflect the action of characteristic hormones. One aspect related to physical effort in which are perceived differences between the sexes regarding the installation of fatigue. Studies have shown that fatigue of the peripheral muscles due to exercise is greater in women than in men, which results in less performance in physical tasks. As for the absolute muscle strength, the average of women is 63.5% of the strength of man. Muscle strength of the women’s upper body is 55.8% of the strength of men while the lower part is 71.9%. Regarding the aerobic capacity, the difference in absolute values in maximal oxygen uptake is approximately 30%. Results regarding anaerobic capacity and anaerobic power have the same results as in aerobic counterparts. In conclusion, it is clear the female disadvantage compared to men for all physical valences, except for flexibility, which will impact on the performance of military tasks.


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How to Cite

Fortes, M. de S. R. ., Marson, R. A. ., & Martinez, E. C. . (2015). COMPARISON OF PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 23(2), 54–69. Retrieved from

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