Diving into the unknown: observing controversies and strategies at the Silent Lighting Foundation





Based on real facts, complemented by fictitious data, this teaching case tells the experience of Jonas, a student of Public Administration at the Federal University of Alfenas – Varginha Campus –, at the Silent Lighting Foundation (SLF), an organization of spiritual nature, philanthropic and charitable, maintained through spontaneous donations, providing, free of charge, various services of support and assistance to humanity and several animals and plants kingdoms. After six months of several visits and immersions in the field, Jonas was able to observe that there are contradictions and conflicts in the community’s management structure, materialized in the communication between coordinations and in the attribution of activities to the individuals. Faced with the diagnosis and the analysis of the situation, Jonas is confused and searches creative solutions to solve these dilemmas.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Fernandes de Moura, Unifal/Mestrando em Gestão Pública e Sociedade

Mestrando em Gestão Pública e Sociedade no PPGPS - UNIFAL-MG. Graduando em Administração Pública pela UNIFAL-MG. Bacharel Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Economia pela UNIFAL-MG. Bolsista pela CAPES.

Everton Rodrigues da Silva, Universidade Federal de Alfenas/Professor Adjunto

Professor do Instituto de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas da UNIFAL (MG) - na graduação Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Economia, na graduação em Administração Pública e Mestrado Acadêmico em Gestão Pública e Sociedade (PPGPS). Doutor em Administração pelo CEPEAD/UFMG e Mestre em Ciências em Administração pelo Instituto COPPEAD de Administração (UFRJ). 



How to Cite

Honorato, B. E. F., Fernandes de Moura, R. ., & Rodrigues da Silva, E. (2021). Diving into the unknown: observing controversies and strategies at the Silent Lighting Foundation. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.21118/apgs.v13i2.10255



Teaching Case