Evaluación de Políticas de Integridad Pública y Anticorrupción: Los Desafíos de una Iniciativa Nacional para Gobiernos Locales en Brasil





Objective: To investigate how the effectiveness of integrity and anti-corruption policies in local governments can be evaluated
in a qualitative aproach, analyzing a federal program experimentally, implemented between 2018 and 2020, in a sample of 12 of
the 25 voluntary Brazilian municipalities.
?eoretical framework: Analysis and evaluation of the policy based on an organizational integrity management framework
published by the OECD.
Methodology: Evaluative and exploratory research with procedures of participant observation, content analysis and descriptive
Results: 26 types of products, 15 category of instruments, 17 processes and 16 central structures (actors) were evidenced. ?e
effectiveness of the period was only 65%, but the policy is subject to implementation gaps that may impact its effectiveness,
and mainly its efficiency and impacts. Time lacks a defined change model (theory of change), with measurable objectives and
performance indicators. In a qualitative approach, regarding the coherence of the model and balance of the measures, many of
them depend on interaction with the external context and are rule-based type. Despite its limits, the policy is innovative and can
play a fundamental role in the development of institutional capacities in Brazilian local governments, which have a high incidence
of corruption and very fragile integrity systems.
Originality: ?ere are almost no theoretical-empirical studies on integrity policies in Brazilian’s local governments.
Theoretical and practical contributions: ?e policy is still under development and it’s possible to adjust it, including emphasis
on the creation of a local agenda, and inclusion of value-based measures. As a theoretical contribution, new elements were added
to the framework adopted.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo da Silva De Bona, Controladoria-Geral da União e Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

PhD candidate in Economics and Government at the International University Menéndez Pelayo and University Institute of Research Ortega y Gasset, Madrid, Spain. Post-graduated in Public Ombudsman at the Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI). Master’s in administration at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Bachelor of Science in Accounting at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Federal Auditor of Finance and Control of the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), Florianopolis, SC, Brazil.



How to Cite

De Bona, R. da S. (2022). Evaluación de Políticas de Integridad Pública y Anticorrupción: Los Desafíos de una Iniciativa Nacional para Gobiernos Locales en Brasil. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 14(4). https://doi.org/10.21118/apgs.v14i4.13513


