Motivational Factors and Needs Profile of Technical-Administrative Public Employees




Research objective: To identify the main motivational factors of technical-administrative servants in education at a higher education institution as a function of the stratification of the profile of acquired needs.

Theoretical framework: The study was based on Herzberg's Two Factor Theory and McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory.

Methodology: From hypotheses of hygienic and motivational factors of public servants, a questionnaire based on Kano's model was elaborated to evaluate the factors that generate satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The questionnaire was applied electronically on a campus of a federal university. The motivational factors were analyzed in relation to the profile of acquired needs of these servers.

Results: The profile of needs of the investigated servants was homogeneous, with a high need for achievement and affiliation predominating, and a low to moderate need for power. The main motivational factors identified were, for the most part, generators of satisfaction when present, and dissatisfaction when absent, and were related to the balance between personal life and work, transparent and participatory management, pride and recognition in relation to work and the institution, and favorable working conditions.

Originality: Investigation of motivational factors of public servants that have distinctive characteristics in Brazil due to the legal framework. The theories of two factors and of the needs acquired with the application of Kano's model were analyzed in an integrated way for the evaluation of the satisfaction of the servers.

Theoretical and practical contributions: The theoretical contribution is the feasibility of using the Kano model to investigate factors that generate satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The practical contribution lies in the identification of the profile of acquired needs and motivational factors of federal public servants in order to support human resource management actions within higher education institutions.


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How to Cite

de Andrade Farias, L., & Ishikawa, G. (2024). Motivational Factors and Needs Profile of Technical-Administrative Public Employees. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 16(2).


