Relational capabilities in social alliances similarities and distinctions in multiple cases




Research objective: The aim of the present research was to analyze distinctions and similarities in the development of Relational Capabilities in different types of Brazilian social alliances.

Theoretical framework: For this purpose, the theoretical basis of Dynamic Capabilities was used, which encompasses Relational Capabilities.

Methodology: To carry out this research, a multiple case, qualitative and descriptive study was carried out from the perspective of the two organizations involved in the four social alliances studied, through semi-structured interviews and document analysis.

Results: We noted that knowledge is the key technology transferred between partners and this transfer is one of the most relevant rewards for organizations. In addition, alliances between "Civil Society Organizations and firms" are formalized through contracts, because the partners perceive their importance for the management of the alliance. The cases also point out that trust and efficient communication may be the most important aspects of alliance performance.

Originality: Studies on Relational Capabilities are still scarce in the literature, as it is the study of Relational Capabilities in Social Alliances. Social alliances play an essential role in solving complex social problems.

Theoretical and practical contributions: The findings of this research allow advancing in studies related to Dynamic and Relational Capabilities in Alliances and Cooperation, especially the social ones. Social Alliance partners can identify components and dimensions of Relational Capabilities that should be encouraged in their partnerships to ensure their success.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Salvador Alves, UFPR

Titulação: Doutora em Administração. Universidade Federal do Paraná.

Julia Mitsue Vieira Cruz Kumasaka, USP

Titulação: Doutoranda em Administração na Universidade de São Paulo, Mestre em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Paraná, com foco na linha de Inovação e Tecnologia. Graduada em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Ceará.


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How to Cite

Salvador Alves, F., & Vieira Cruz Kumasaka, J. M. (2024). Relational capabilities in social alliances similarities and distinctions in multiple cases. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 16(1).


