Management of the Impression of Legitimacy in Federal Universities




Objective: To describe evidence of legitimacy impression management based on correctional data from the Management Reports (MR) of Brazilian Federal Universities (FU) from 2014 to 2016.

Theoretical Framework: The research uses the lens of Legitimacy theory.

Methodology: Document analysis of MRs was employed to code correctional disclosure variables of FUs, including quantitative and qualitative data on the integrity of MR information. Descriptive data of mean and standard deviation were generated for the variables. Additionally, the variable data was grouped into characteristic disclosure clusters. An envelopment analysis of the CGU-PAD system data generated efficiency clusters of administrative disciplinary proceedings (PAD). The variable distributions were subjected to difference tests between MR and efficiency clusters. Finally, a correspondence analysis was used to assess the independence of these clusters by variable.

Results: Part of the correctional disclosures presented isomorphic behavior. However, the detail of the correctional system was inversely related to the expulsion penalty disclosure. Additionally, greater publicity of the institution of acts contrasted with the opacity of authority when the processes were more efficient. In these two situations, the substantive legitimacy image materialized both in the publicity of punishment as well asw in more procedural efficiency. In the opposite direction, the exposure of the correctional system was associated with low procedural efficiency, characterizing it as a mechanism of symbolic management of the legitimacy image.

Originality: No previous studies were found on correctional transparency in universities under the Legitimacy approach.

Contributions: The research contributes to the literature by analyzing correctional disclosure as a practice of legitimacy image management. The study can support social control practices by suggesting means of confrontation between symbolic narratives and material practices.


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Author Biographies

Greice Eccel Pontelli, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Titulação: Mestre em Gestão de Organizações Públicas. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

Jose Alexandre M. Pigatto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Titulação: Doutor em Ciências pela PROLAM/USP. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.


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How to Cite

Pontelli, G. E., & Pigatto, J. A. M. (2024). Management of the Impression of Legitimacy in Federal Universities. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 16(1).


