
  • Júlio Cesar Andrade de Abreu UFBA
  • Daniel Reis Armond-de-Melo Universidade Federal do Amazonas




Administração Política, Epistemologia da Administração, Teoria dos Custos de Transação, Paraeconomia


The objective of this article is to investigate, briefly, the epistemological and ontological bases of political administration. The work started in the administration’s point of view and showed a counterpoint about the one-dimensional market vision through the work of Alberto Guerreiro Ramos. It reaffirms society’s multidimensional character and, consequently, recovers the interdisciplinary bias of the Social Administrator, that is gradually disappearing at the expense of the “market rules”. It is understood that the market is important, but is not the only legitimate social enclave, as it is presented nowadays. Using a methodology based on a bibliographic research and, after, the epistemology analysis of administration and its economic base, it is concluded that the market extreme influence destroys the interdisciplinary character of this science. Guerreiro Ramos develops a theoretician set with social systems theories that believe that the market is one of the enclaves in society, but not the only one. This theoretician set called paraeconomy provides the administration science a new horizon, where the Administrator’s role will be reconfigured and will cease being strategical (focused on market’s one-dimensional logic) for being Social (dialogical and multidimensional).

Key-Words: Political Administration; Epistemology of Administration; Theory of Transaction Costs; Paraeconomy.


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How to Cite

Cesar Andrade de Abreu, J., & Reis Armond-de-Melo, D. (2010). ONTOLOGICAL AND EPISTEMOLOGICAL REFLECTION ON THE FUTURE OF ADMINISTRATION: ECONOMY VERSUS PARAECONOMY. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 1(1), 88–100. https://doi.org/10.21118/apgs.v1i1.3999


