Research-Intervention Project: Towards a Strategy of Social Intervention from the Standpoint of the Sociology of Organizational Action’s Clinical Studies
estudo clínico, pesquisa-intervenção, escola francesa de sociologia das organizaçõesAbstract
Recently Brazil has been highlighted in international rankings regarding the production of knowledge. However, the related processes of diffusion and assimilation by wider society are still precarious. The positivist way, that drives their mode of production and transference, can be viewed as one of the factors that keep this situation. So this paper aims to present a viable alternative from the EFSO’smethodological contributions standpoint. After introduce and characterize the current situation, I present the main features of the EFSO’s methodology. Its main contribution is the knowledge production simultaneously with its application/transference, resulting in a direct and localized social intervention. This process is founded on three pillars: research, intervention and “restitution”. Finally, I suggest conducting research rooted in this approach as a way to produce and effectively transfer knowledge, transcending the current limitations. Additionally, the limitations of this approach werenoticed as well the possible ways to overcome them.
Key-Words: clinical studies, research-intervention, French school of organizational sociology
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