Democracy Models and Children Advertising Regulation


  • Carolina Fabris Ferreira



democracia, modelos de democracia, regulamentação de propaganda, propaganda infantil.


This article analyzes the differences  between regulation of advertising to children and compare it with different models of democracy. It uses variables proposed by Lijphart (2008) to evaluate the models of democracy and lists four propositions to compare the two cases selected for this study, France and Germany. Advertising regulation is analyzed through EASA materials and the main  documents of the institutions that regulates it. The results confirmed the four propositions and  identified that there is a relation between models of democracy and the way countries regulate children advertising.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, C. F. (2012). Democracy Models and Children Advertising Regulation. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 4(4), 381–398.


