The vision of Technical-Administrative Servers and Teachers of Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (RN) on Organizational Commitment


  • Nilda Maria de Clodoaldo Pinto Guerra Leone
  • Maria Aparecida Nery Kanzaki IFRN- Instituto Federal de Ciencia e Tecnologia do RN
  • Sonia Maria de Araujo IFRN



Comprometimento Afetivo, Comprometimento Instrumental, Comprometimento Normativo


The present study approached organizational commitment and attempted to identify the existence and the predominance of its dimensions between servers that belong to Campus Natal/ IFRN Central, using the studies developed by Meyer and Allen (1991) as a conceptual model. The research isclassified as a case study with a quantitative, exploratory and descriptive approach. Interviews were carried out with 117 technical and administrative members of the staff and 212professors, using a questionnaire as instrument. The data were processed using descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The survey indicated a high degree of organizational commitment in three dimensions among those surveyed, which features strong identification withthe goals and values of the institution. Thus, it demonstrates the existence of an emotional bond, which can be justified by the stability of employment, the opportunities the institution offers to improve education, the tradition and the respect ithas within the community.

Key-Words: Affective Commitment, InstrumentalCommitment, Normative Commitment


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Author Biography

Maria Aparecida Nery Kanzaki, IFRN- Instituto Federal de Ciencia e Tecnologia do RN

Professora aposentada, Graduacao em História, Especialista em Gestao Ambiental, mestre em Gestao estrategica, área gestao de Pessoas.


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How to Cite

Leone, N. M. de C. P. G., Nery Kanzaki, M. A., & Araujo, S. M. de. (2012). The vision of Technical-Administrative Servers and Teachers of Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (RN) on Organizational Commitment. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 4(3), 319–340.


