The Effect Flypaper in the Funding of Fundamental Education of Municipalities in Paraiba


  • Josedilton Alves Diniz
  • Rômulo Henriques de Lima
  • Vinícius Gomes Martins



This study aims to investigate the relationship between the system of education transfer and the efficiency of basic education services in the cities of
the State of Paraíba. In order to do that, panel data models of a sample from 208 of the 223 municipalities from 2009 to 2011 were used. Data on the revenue
from intergovernmental transfers, the state’s own revenues, and the index of efficiency were collected from the Tribunal de Contas do Estado da Paraíba
TCE/PB (Court of Accounts). The results show that the municipalities that have relatively higher revenues are more efficient and that the municipalities that receive
more resources than they send are less efficient. These results are consistent with the literature on federalism, which foresees the inefficient application of funds
due to the flypaper effect on non-conditional and unrequited transfers.
Keywords: Flypaper Effect; Governmental Transfers; Efficiency.


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How to Cite

Diniz, J. A., de Lima, R. H., & Martins, V. G. (2017). The Effect Flypaper in the Funding of Fundamental Education of Municipalities in Paraiba. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 1(2), 95–104.


