The Future of Nossa Senhora hospital is in Your Hands


  • Andressa Centenaro Faculdade Meridional IMED Imed Business School (PPGA)
  • Angela Maria Ortolan Bonemberger Faculdade Meridional IMED Imed Business School (PPGA)
  • Tainara Sartori Faculdade Meridional IMED Imed Business School (PPGA)
  • Julio Cesar Ferro de Guimarães Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) Centro de Engenharias Engenharia de Produção



Organizações sem fins Lucrativos, Planejamento estratégico, Saúde Pública, Terceiro Setor


The management of a philanthropic hospital is more complex than it appears to be. Even though the hospital receives tax benefits, its management
depends on decision-making just like private companies. The organization studied is a philanthropic institution, that is, a non-profit institution, created by a visionary
group in the 80’s, which founded a hospital to better serve the community. However, the financial maintenance of the institution became a task that required a lot
of managers. After going through two financial crises, the future of the hospital was depending on a decision-making: it could close its doors, be privatized or
receive additional investment and expand the range of health services. This study seeks to discuss the management of non-profit institutions and the difficulty
hospitals face due to the problems in public management and the problems in the public health system.
Keywords: Non-profit organizations, strategic planning, public health, third sector.


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Author Biographies

Andressa Centenaro, Faculdade Meridional IMED Imed Business School (PPGA)

Mestre em Administração pela IMED

Angela Maria Ortolan Bonemberger, Faculdade Meridional IMED Imed Business School (PPGA)

Mestre em Administração pela IMED

Tainara Sartori, Faculdade Meridional IMED Imed Business School (PPGA)

Mestre em Administração pela IMED

Julio Cesar Ferro de Guimarães, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) Centro de Engenharias Engenharia de Produção

Doutor em Administração pela PUCRS e pela UCS.


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How to Cite

Centenaro, A., Bonemberger, A. M. O., Sartori, T., & Guimarães, J. C. F. de. (2017). The Future of Nossa Senhora hospital is in Your Hands. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 1(2), 130–134.



Teaching Case