Applying a framework for stakeholder analysis: the case of the Paraná Department of Tourism
Turismo, Stakeholder Analysis, Organizações Públicas, Modelo Conceitual, Secretaria de TurismoAbstract
According to the Stakeholder Theory, an organization must satisfy not only shareholders but also the parts that are related to it. This broadened approach leads to new researches in unexplored sectors. We propose in this paper a framework for stakeholder analysis, considering the specificities of a public organization. The proposal was grounded in the case of the Tourism Department of the State of Paraná, Brazil . Previously constructed conceptual models are reviewed. The research was conducted through qualitative analysis procedures. The model presents a procedural perspective, which includes the steps: description of the institutional context, identification of stakeholders, identification of its features, verification of the available resources, analysis of stakeholder participation,; analysis of stakeholders’ perspectives and preparation of an action plan. Compared to existing models, the proposal innovates with the inclusion of institutional context and legal mechanisms to validate the participation of stakeholders. Also, unlike usual, it captures both the perspective of the organization and stakeholder.
Keywords: Tourism, Stakeholder Analysis, Public Organizations, Conceptual Framework, Tourism Department .
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