Innovation in Public Management as “Objective Possibility”: The Case of Pact for Education in Pernambuco from the Perspective of Administration for Development


  • Jessica Rani Sousa Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



Inovação na gestão pública, Administração para o Desenvolvimento, Pacto pela Educação de Pernambuco


This paper aims to investigate how the Pact for Education in Pernambuco, Brazil, contributes to fostering practices that characterize management innovations from the perspective of public policies’s effectiveness, adopting as theoretical and sensitizing lens the Theory of Possibilities by Guerreiro Ramos and its approach on Administration for Development. By means of a qualitative case study and thematic analysis of the content of the interviews carried out at the strategic and tactical levels of its operationalization, it was possible to identify categories concentrated around practices specifically related to the referred pact, such as the use of performance indicators and advertising of school descriptors. The effectiveness indicators identified for these categories relate to the creation of a differentiated look for the schools and priority students of the public system, credibility, transparency, perception of empowerment and improvement of awareness about the school context.

Keywords: Public management innovation, Administration for Development, Pact for Eduucation in Pernambuco, Brazil.


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Author Biography

Jessica Rani Sousa, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Mestra em Administração pela UFPE.



How to Cite

Sousa, J. R. (2019). Innovation in Public Management as “Objective Possibility”: The Case of Pact for Education in Pernambuco from the Perspective of Administration for Development. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 4(11), 1–16.



Dimensões Intraorganizacionais e Funções Gerenciais no Setor Público