Implementation and FrontLine Workers in the Socioeducative Measure of Assisted Freedom




implementação, trabalhador de linha de frente, liberdade assistida, medida socioeducativa.



Research objective: We seek to understand the role of reference technicians in the socio-educational measure of assisted freedom in the city of São Paulo, analyzing factors that influence pragmatic improvisation and the use of the agency.

Theoretical Framework: Through the literature survey, we raised some perspectives that could influence the use of the agency and the pragmatic improvisation of the reference technicians: individual characteristics; organizational dimension; professional identity, professional status and expectations of peers; relational dynamics with the system and judgments and merits that they exert on users.

Methodology: The research was structured in three stages: bibliographic survey; semi-structured interviews and use of vignettes and analysis of the interviews.

Results: We conclude that the relationship established between the reference technician and the adolescents served is made through interactions between the identities and the social positions that each of these actors establish throughout the socio-educational process. These interactions are the result of the convergence of two or more factors analyzed, thus influencing pragmatic improvisation and the use of the agency in its performance.

Originality: The research analyzes the implementation of the socio-educational measure of assisted freedom through the actions of the actors that implement it. It is a new agenda, considering that there are many researches that analyze the implementation of the socio-educational internment measure. Our analysis, through the performance of the reference technicians, can point to new studies on the way in which this public policy comes being implemented.

Theoretical and Practical Contributions: Analyzing the performance of these actors through the processes of inclusion, exclusion and reproduction and production of inequalities that they exercise when classifying their users as deserving or not of their service and public policy, points to new studies on the relationship between frontline workers and users to their access to public policies.

Keywords: implementation; front-line worker; assisted freedom, socio-educational measure.



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Author Biographies

Erick de Moura Sotero, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)

Mestre em Políticas Públicas pela Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). Possui graduação em Gestão de Políticas Públicas pela Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (USP) (2012) e Especialização em Economia Aplicada à Gestão pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2015). Pesquisador do Núcleo de Estudos da Burocracia (NEB).

Gabriela Spanghero Lotta, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)

Professora e pesquisadora de Administração Pública e Governo da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). Doutora em Ciência Política pela USP, mestre e graduada em administração pública pela FGV. Coordenadora do Núcleo de Estudos da Burocracia (NEB). Docente da Escola Nacional de Administração Pública, ENAP. É pesquisadora do Centro de Estudos da Metrópole (CEM). É bolsista produtividade 2 do CNPQ. Coordenadora da Área Temática Estado e políticas públicas da Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política (ABCP) e diretora da pesquisa da Associação Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa do Campo de Públicas (ANEP/CP). Trabalhou com assessoria, pesquisa e formação para diversos governos. Atua principalmente nas áreas de políticas públicas, burocracia, implementação e gestão governamental.


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How to Cite

Sotero, E. de M., & Lotta, G. S. (2021). Implementation and FrontLine Workers in the Socioeducative Measure of Assisted Freedom. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 13(2).




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