Diversification and Elasticity of the Sources of Resources of the Brazilian States and their Relations with the Deficits of Collection
The research analyzed the influence of the diversification and elasticity of the sources of current revenues on the occurrence and
magnitude of the errors of the budget forecast in the Brazilian states. Estimates and collection were collected and analyzed with
Logit and Tobit models with the Panel Data. ?ere was a low diversification of the sources of resources, and there was an overload
in tax revenues. ?e weight attributed to specific categories can be amortized by exploring the possibilities of raising funds in
other areas, such as revenues from services, industry and agriculture. In addition, the elasticity of own revenues influences both
the occurrence and the magnitude of collection deficits, and it’s recommended to manage more elastic revenues to keep up with
the state income growth in the long run and the composition of a mix with elastic and inelastic revenues in moments of economic
instability in short term.
Keywords: Management, Forecasting, Structure, Revenue.
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