The necessity of a professional mediation in educational settings


  • Jan Breuer Universidade de Siegen
  • Ulrike Buchmann Universidade de Siegen



Subject. Object. Social surrounding. Internalised concept. Mediation. Gente


Society is based on human participation in society and the individual’s understanding of the same. Discussing the matter of participation in society, this article focuses on the issue of the individual human being, that is – in a philosophical understanding – called Subject. The Subject is integrated in an individual social surrounding. Being able to participate in society means to learn about the society, the social surrounding, and the Subject’s internalised concept of the social surrounding. The confrontation the Subject is forced to deal with, for example by transformations of the social surrounding, is a very complex process that is called mediation. The mediation may be the key to gain a better understanding of what it means to be a Subject, of the society, and of educational processes that need to be mediated by the Subject. Therefore, the right to education means to discuss the Subject’s participation in society as well as the professional mediation in educational settings.


Biografia do Autor

Jan Breuer, Universidade de Siegen

Faculdade de Educacao, Departamento de Educacao Profissional. Rank: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter.

Ulrike Buchmann, Universidade de Siegen

Faculdade de Educacao, Departamento de Educacao Profissional da Universidade de Siegen. Rank: Professora e Doutora.


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Como Citar

BREUER, J.; BUCHMANN, U. The necessity of a professional mediation in educational settings. Educação em Perspectiva, Viçosa, MG, v. 8, n. 3, p. 414–425, 2017. DOI: 10.22294/eduper/ppge/ufv.v8i3.876. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 mar. 2025.