About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Revista de Direito of the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, a journal that will follow the continuous flow of receipt and publication from the year 2020, acts as an important means of disseminating national legal production, as it has received legal articles from different regions of Brazil and abroad from the most diverse and consolidated institutions.

Revista de Direito has an Editorial Board and Reviewers made up of researchers in Law and related areas, which undoubtedly has a positive impact on its final quality.

Submitted works must be unpublished (having not been published in Portuguese or any other language) and, obligatorily, follow the file formatting rules available in the Template tab and summarized in the “Guidelines for Authors” section.

Revista de Direito rigorously follows the criteria required by CAPES, focusing on exogeny and internationalization, that is, preference is given to articles by authors from institutions in the most diverse states of the country and abroad to the detriment of authors ) from the State of Minas Gerais, although this is not excluded.

More than producing knowledge, the Public University has the duty of scientific dissemination, presenting it to society and contributing to its evolution. This is the consideration expected by those who fund it, and the Magazine intends to act as a link between the academy and the various operators of law operating in Brazil and abroad.

The editorial lines of Revista de Direito are open to all disciplines of Law and related areas (education, social sciences, health sciences, administration, economics, philosophy, letters, etc.), with the objective of guaranteeing interdisciplinarity in the production and dissemination of knowledge.

Peer Review Process

The works will be analyzed by the Double Blind Peer Review system, by reviewers with notorious knowledge in the themes.

The evaluation of the articles takes into account the criteria of relevance to the subject, quality of approach, clarity of the text, adequacy and timeliness of references, structuring and theoretical development, methodology used, conclusions and contribution offered to the knowledge of the area.

If a reviewer issues a favorable opinion for acceptance and the other for rejection, the manuscript will be submitted to a third reviewer, who will issue a conclusive opinion. Finally, the decisions will be communicated to the authors of the work.

The entire process takes place under the OJS system, which guarantees that there will be no identification of the authors, as well as of the reviewers. Thus, it is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the submitted file does not contain any type of personal information.

For Microsoft Office’s documents, the author identification must be removed from the document's properties (in the menu File > Properties), starting at File, in the main menu, and clicking on the sequence: File > Save as... > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security options ... > Remove personal information from file properties on save > OK > Save.

The Revista de Direito is sovereign as to the acceptance of the works and reserves the right to refuse those which do not meet the requests from the reviewers.


The Revista de Direito will be published in two annual issues, with receipt at any time of the year, and with the publication of the articles being done as soon as the acceptance opinions and/or mandatory corrections are issued and adhered to. That is, the receipt and publication will take place both in a continuous flow.

Once the article is received, its adequacy to the Template/Guidelines for Authors, as well as the Editorial Policy, will be assessed. Right after that, the reviewers will receive the file for the elaboration of the opinion. With the approval of two reviewers, it will be published in the page of the Journal without the need to wait for the closing of an issue.

In July and December of each year, the Editorial Team will close the respective issue of that annual volume, proceeding with the publication in continuous flow for the subsequent issue.

Ethical guidelines

1. Submitted files must be original in any language;

2. All cited references must be referenced;

3. If the research is funded, mention of the funding institution must be included in the Metadata items when registering the file;

4. The Editorial Team is committed to preventing misconduct in scientific research and the evaluation of works, such as fraud, the disclosure of fraudulent information, as well as conflicts of interest. Thus, the authors and evaluators must declare that there is no conduct that discredits the article or the evaluation, being their responsibility the knowledge of the best scientific practices;

5. The authors and evaluators must inform the Editorial Team of any wrong or incorrectly quoted data, helping to combat academic misconduct in research.

Open Access Policy

The Revista de Direito offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Fee Policy for Article Processing

The Revista de Direito does not charge fees for submission, processing, publication or reading of articles.