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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and is not being evaluated by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • Fields such as the name of the author(s), institutions, email address, and biography must be filled out in the system only. The text may not have any means of identification.
  • The text follows the standards and requirements described in the "Author Guidelines", in the "Submissions" menu.
  • After publication, the authors cede the copyright, which becomes the property of Revista de Direito.

Author Guidelines

Anyone, even if not affiliated with the Federal University of Viçosa, may submit articles for publication in this journal of Law (Revista de Direito). Submitted articles must be unpublished, that is, have not been submitted for consideration elsewhere.

Articles must be related to any fields of study within law and must be submitted through this website.

Articles must be according the template and in the following format:
. Between 15 and 30 pages (size A4);
. Font: Arial. For text body, size 12. For footnotes, size 10. Line spacing 1.5 lines;
. Top and left margins: 3 cm; bottom and right margins: 2 cm;
. Justified text, with the page number in the bottom right of the page.

Items before the introduction must be organized as follows:
· TITLE: SUBTITLE (if any) in English;
· TITLE: SUBTITLE (if any) in Portuguese;
· ABSTRACT (150 words maximum);
· KEYWORDS (between 3 and 5 words, separated by periods);
· ABSTRACT IN PORTUGUESE (150 words maximum);
· KEYWORDS IN PORTUGUESE (between 3 and 5 words, separated by periods).

The Portuguese title, abstract, and keywords are mandatory.

The authors are responsible for proofreading the text in the languages mentioned above. Machine translations are not permitted. In the case of an automatic translation the article will be rejected.

Articles should have the following text sections:
· Introduction: initial part of the text. Should establish the scope of the topic, the aims of the research, and other elements that characterize the article;
· Development: detailed presentation of the subject. Can be divided into sections and subsections in order to organize content;
· Conclusion: final part of the article, in which the conclusions of the aim of the study should be presented.
· Glossary, Appendix(es), Note(s), Attachment(s): Include only necessary additional files. The editorial team will decide if their publication is really needed.

Regarding acronyms: when appearing for the first time in a text, they must be in complete form, followed by the acronym between parentheses. For example: Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV).

For quotations, references, and other procedures:
. Quotations in the text body must be typed citing the author and the year of publication;
. Direct, word-for-word, or textual quotations must be embedded in the text. Brief quotations (up to three lines) are to be embedded in the text between quotation marks. Quotations of more than three lines must be in a new paragraph, separated from the main text (left indented, but with the right margins exactly the same as the main text), font size 10, and single line spacing.
. Indirect quotations: The source must be cited (author, year, page) in the same paragraph where the author’s ideas are cited. Another option is to have the citations  at the end as a footnote.

Footnotes should be kept to a minimum.

At the end of the text, the references cited by the authors should be presented alphabetically, left-aligned, with single spacing.

Fields such as the name of the author(s), institutions, email address, and biography must be filled out in the system only. The text may not have any means of identification.

A maximum of three authors per article is permitted.

If the article is approved, the authors will receive a message. They have up to 15 days to make any necessary changes in the article and return it.

It is the authors’ responsibility to recognize and reveal any financial, personal, commercial, political, and academic conflicts that may influence the creation and the evaluation of the article.

If the article has received any kind of financing, the authors must indicate it as a footnote with the title of the text, on the first page.

All the guidelines described above are mandatory, and failure to follow them will entail the article’s automatic rejection.

All the articles received are submitted to this journal’s editorial Coordination Board in order to judge the article’s editorial line and its suitability for the formal criteria described. If an article is considered relevant to the community and meets the criteria, it will be forwarded to the peer evaluation stage.

The selection of articles for publication is the responsibility of the Editorial Board, which will select those that are considered to be significant for Law professionals, especially the readers of this journal. The approval of a manuscript does not ensure its publication.

The journal’s Commission is responsible for selecting and accepting articles and reserves the right to refuse those that do not satisfy the requirements set by revisors.

The journal reserves the right to make any normative, orthographic, and grammatical changes, in the published article. The objective is to keep the language standard, respecting the style of the authors.

Publication in this journal does not generate any copyright or remunerative duties.

The journal’s Coordination Body has the autonomy to publish articles from guest researchers.


Click here to access the "Author Guidelines".

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.