game intensity, training, team sportsAbstract
Futsal is a team sport that demands high physical, technical and tactical demands of its practitioners. This study aimed to compare the intensities between the TFG and CT, having the GA as reference in women who practice futsal. The sample consisted of eight female athletes, line players, from adult category. The heart rate (HR) of the athletes was recorded during a TFG, a CT and a GA through a heart monitor. It was measured the body weight, height, body composition and aerobic capacity of the athletes. For data analysis, it was applied a single-factor analysis of variance, followed by a Tukey’s post hoc test when appropriated. The level of significance adopted was set at 5% . The HRavg of GA (152 ± 17 bpm) and the TFG (153 ± 8 bpm) did not differ, but were significantly higher when compared to the CT (140 ± 11 bpm). The % HRmax of GA (79,41 ± 16,2 %) and the TFG (82,22 ± 4,5 %) did not differ, but were significantly higher when compared to CT (75,10 ± 6,2%). The values of HRmax during the GA (192 ± 9 bpm), the TFG (184 ± 10 bpm) and CT (179 ± 18bpm) did not differ. The main finding of this study was that the TFG effort intensity when compared to the CT, is the closest one to that employed in GA of women who practice futsal.
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