
  • Marconi Freitas da Costa Universidade federal do piauí
  • Carla Rejane Barros de França Matos FASETE



Marketing Social, Ações sociais, Promoção da Imagem


The actual assignment has the objective of verifying where the social marketing, making use of marketing tools will be able to join value and make the image of institutions that sponsor social activities stronger. The bibliographic study was crucial to the development of this work, once the literary concepts learnt were base for the analysis the institution studied. The results were obtained through questionnaires which were applied to Sete de Setembro School clients, it showed that the institution social projects are not recognised enough, it also displays the not recognition of the Institution ideology. Showing the institution as a private company with economical purposes only. Nevertheless, the personal advertising was identified in this research as the most important mean o communication for the company. This also emphasizes the use of social marketing for promotion of the institution real ideologies and value of social action.

Key-Words: Social marketing, Social actions, Image Promotion.


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How to Cite

Freitas da Costa, M., & Barros de França Matos, C. R. (2010). THE SOCIAL MARKETING AS A PROMOTION TOOL FOR PHILANTHROPIC INSTITUTION. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 1(1), 67–87.




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