Participatory Budgeting: A Vision of the Graduate Student in Public Management


  • Richard Medeiros Araújo Professor do UNIFACEX
  • Jorge Morais Maia Graduado em Gestão Pública pelo UNIFACEX



Orçamento participativo, Análise Fatorial, Administração Pública


This paper aimed to identify the perception of students in public management on the adoption of participatory budgeting as  an effective management technique. To this end, we carried out a descriptive exploratory study with a quantitative approach. The universe was undergraduates in public administration, with a sample of 482 students per access. To process the data were adopted descriptive statistics and multivariate exploratory factor analysis technique. The instrument was a survey consisted of two blocks of questions, the first, second and sociodemographic supported by a range of degree of agreement of five points and consists of 19 (nineteen) variables. Among the results, it has been the formation of six factors that explain the perception of students as participatory budgeting, with emphasis on factors “Participatory budgeting should be implemented regardless of political factors”, “dwell on the knowledge of the Fiscal Responsibility Law and Participatory Budgeting” and “new public management is the best model to implement participatory budgeting”. Another result is the notion of the practice of participatory budgeting that develops public management course in which students and this was important. We conclude that students understand the concepts that guide the budget and know that the democratic context of application is the ideal model of modern public management.


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Author Biography

Richard Medeiros Araújo, Professor do UNIFACEX

Doutorando em Administração pelo PPGA/UFRN

Professor do UNIFACEX


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How to Cite

Araújo, R. M., & Maia, J. M. (2012). Participatory Budgeting: A Vision of the Graduate Student in Public Management. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 4(4), 448–462.




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