Performance and phenotypic selection of sorghum genotypes for cutting and grazing in two planting seasons


  • Alan Figueiredo de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • José Avelino Santos Rodrigues Embrapa Milho e Sorgo
  • Lúcio Carlos Gonçalves Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, 31270-901, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
  • Roberto Guimarães Júnior Embrapa Cerrados
  • Francisco Duarte Fernandes Embrapa Cerrados
  • Ângela Maria Quintão Lana Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, 31270-901, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.


Palabras clave:

Adaptação, Pastagem anual, Sistemas de pastoreio, Melhoramento de plantas, Campos tropicais


This study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of 30 sorghum genotypes planted in two seasons. In the agronomic performance evaluation, 15 superior genotypes were selected and submitted to nutritive value and nutrient accumulations evaluations. The genotypes were planted on 20 December 2017 and 5 February 2018 and submitted to three and two cuts. Agronomic and nutritional characteristics were evaluated in all cuts and considered as the average values per season. The hybrids forage accumulation 6,941 kg/ha in the first and 3,370 kg/ha in the second planting season. The plant leaf proportion varied from 41.1 to 55.9% among all hybrids in the two seasons. The whole plant crude protein contents were 111 and 121 g/kg DM in the first and second planting seasons. The in vitro dry matter digestibility varied from 579 to 679 g/kg DM among all hybrids. The agronomic and nutritional characteristics were better in first compared to second planting due to better climatic conditions. The hybrids 16F26008, 16F26014 and 16F26007 had superior characteristics. The females (ATF54A*{ATF54B*[(Tx623B*ATF54B)6-1]}-263-C-1)A and (ATF54A*{ATF54B*[((Tx623B*ATF54B)6-1]}-207-C-1)A and the males TX2784 and TX2785 produced superior hybrids.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alan Figueiredo de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Possui curso técnico em Zootecnia pelo Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia-Campus Rio Pomba (2011), graduação em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2018). Atualmente mestrando em produção animal no Departamento de Zootecnia da Escola de Veterinária da universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Tem experiência na área de Medicina Veterinária, com ênfase na análise de sistemas produtivos de bovinocultura de leite e extensão rural.



Cómo citar

de Oliveira, A. F., Santos Rodrigues, J. A., Carlos Gonçalves, L., Guimarães Júnior, R. ., Duarte Fernandes, F. ., & Quintão Lana, Ângela M. (2022). Performance and phenotypic selection of sorghum genotypes for cutting and grazing in two planting seasons. Revista Brasileira De Agropecuária Sustentável, 12(1), 134–149.

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