Precarization of labor relations: a critical analysis about the dispositions of telecommuting in law 13.467/2017
Telecommuting, Precarization, Law 13.467/2017Abstract
This article aims to understand how the transformations that occurred in labor relations throughout the 20th century contributed to the development of telecommuting regulation by Law 13,467/2017. It consists of a theoretical qualitative study, with an explanatory purpose and a deductive approach, using the historical method and the bibliographic research method on documents. The theme is justified by the need to understand how the transformations that occurred in the capitalist production have an impact on the development of new labor relations, such as telecommuting. It is concluded that the transformations in the structure of labor relations throughout the 20th century contributed to the development of more precarious working modalities, with the aim to reduce work duration inspection, to increase individual negotiations between employee and employer, and to transfer the risks of economic activity to the worker, facts which were observed in the regulation of telecommuting by Law 13,467/2017.
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