About the Journal

Focus and Scope

SCRIBES - The Brazilian Journal of Management and Secretarial Studies, ISSN 2675-4401, publishes twice a year, in electronic form, scientific articles in the areas of Management and/or Secretarial Studies. Due to its multidisciplinary approach, SCRIBES also accepts submissions from scientific contributions to other branches of knowledge, as long as they follow editorial policy. Submissions are required to be in Portuguese or in English.

The focus of SCRIBES is to reach a public aiming to develop the subject area, amongst them scholars, researchers, and professionals.

Our mission is to contribute to the dissemination of relevant scientific knowledge within Secretarial and Organisational Studies. In order to achieve this, we seek and value quality papers, as well as simplified processes in visualising and archiving them.

The Committee of Editorial Policy and the Collaborators are teams assembled by professors and researchers from across Brazil and abroad, who engage professionally and academically in each of their fields.

Thus, we would like to invite you to present your research on Secretarial and Organisational Studies to SCRIBES, so that this journal can succeed in further promoting research in the field of Secretarial and Organisational Studies, becoming a communication vessel for excellent research, publishing articles with quality that can be referenced in the future.


Peer Review

 Submissions are subject to a rigorous assessment process, following standard guidance for international scientific publications and SCRIBES’ own criteria for papers assessment, as observed in the Submissions Guidelines section.


The process of peer review employed by SCRIBES lasts about 120 days, consisting of the following steps:


  • The journal is supported by a team of evaluators with significant knowledge in the subject area. They are professors and researchers linked to the Federal University of Viçosa and mainly other prestigious universities across Brazil and abroad, as presented in the Editorial Team section.
  • Once the original papers are submitted by authors (with or without co-authors) on SCRIBES’ website (no submission fee required), in which indicated at the submissions form that the paper in unprecedented and agrees with the authorial rights politics of SCRIBES, the process shall begin.
  • The process occurs by Open Journal Systems (OJS 3.2.0-2), an open source software application for managing and publishing scholarly journals, developed and released by Public Knowledge Project, under GNU - General Public Licence.
  • In approximately 30 days after submission, the editor analyses whether the article is aligned with the journal’s purpose and guidelines, as expected from authors. In the event of an initial refusal, we ask the first author to resubmit their work observing our guidelines. Contrastingly, if approved, the article moves to a second stage where the editor identifies, amidst registered SCRIBES evaluators, those who have greater competencies and affinities with the article’s recurring theme.
  • Once two qualified evaluators are identified, the editor formally invites them to participate voluntarily in the reviewing process. Only the title and abstract of the referred article are included on the invite, with the exclusion of authorship, in order to preserve the author's anonymity.
  • If both evaluators accept the task, they will have to indicate there are no conflicts of interest in the journal’s website, and proceed under a double-blind peer review process. It closes with filling the online form for reviewers, respecting the relevant criteria for articles and teaching cases.


  • Thereafter, the editor will be notified by email about the evaluations results. When closed the evaluation process, reviewers will receive an email after each publication (yearly) with an online certification from SCRIBES, bearing the editor’s signature and attesting their voluntary participation in the double-blind review process.
  • Therefore, the results of the evaluation can be:
  1. Accepted to the publication as presented;
  2. Accepted to the publication, considering obligatory corrections registered at this form by the evaluators;
  3. Rejected to the publication;
  • Where divergences arise, the article analysed will be forwarded to a third reviewer before an editorial decision is made.
  • Based on one of these results, the editor will either notify authors on a subsequent publication or provide feedback. When an article is deemed favourable to publication, authors will need to comply with review specificities as pointed by reviewers, if applicable, in 30 days from the date of approval.
  • Following resubmission of the revised articles by their respective authors, the editor thoroughly inspects whether all of the requested changes have been made. Upon confirmation that the article is an original piece and is fit for publication, the editor then forwards the approved version to SCRIBES’ editorial team, who will then be responsible for standardising layout and format and ultimately publishing a new issue.
  • New issues are published directly on SCRIBES’ website under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Full and free access to articles published by SCRIBES is guaranteed through our website.


Open Access Policy

 This journal offers free, immediate access to its content.






 The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the establishment of the journal’s Editorial Policy and management of the editorial team, which operates all workflow.

They also have a determining role in selecting articles that are to be followed to the journal for consideration, and in distributing them amongst collaborators, who will in turn evaluate them. If the articles have achieved the desired standards once the reviewing process is finished, they will be published.



Along with the Editor-in-Chief, the Assistant-Editor is responsible for the foundation of the journal’s Editorial Policy. They also perform duties in management of the team and workflow. Consequently, the Assistant-Editor also engages in the process of selecting articles to be analysed, and the forwarding of any received material to other relevant parts.


Committee on Editorial Policy (CEP) 

The Committee on Editorial Policy (CEP) is composed of representatives from different research and educational institutions, which are not restricted to, but focus preferably on Secretarial and Organisational Studies. Its members act as advisors, partaking in the journal’s activities in a more individualised manner, through shared responsibilities with the Scientific Council or Editor.

The Committee contributes to the development of the Editorial Policy by promoting the journal, taking into account the needs and demands of the scientific community, looking after the journal’s best interests, and striving for the maintenance of ethics and high quality standards in research. However, This Committee does not have a role in neither management, nor editorial routine, which are the Editor’s and their team’s responsibility. The term for membership of the committee is four years, with the possibility of further extension.

Once inducted, CPE members are automatically considered collaborators.



 Advisor/evaluators are responsible for reviewing submitted articles, one of the core attributions that are paramount to every journal and contributes to its establishment and reputation. Recognising their importance, SCRIBES has formed a comprehensive network of partnering professionals, both nationwide and internationally, who have specialist degrees in Secretarial Studies, Administration, Languages or other correlated majors. SCRIBES’ appraisal system will either accept or refuse a paper, aiming to help with the text’s improvement in scientific and structural terms, hence we recommend that collaborators follow the evaluation criteria delineated by the journal, which requires them to offer constructive critiques, in a discerning, ethic, and respectful manner. A double-blind peer review process is observed.



 The author is the most relevant agent in all of the editorial system, as they are responsible for the journal’s content and expansion as a reference journal. In order to publish in SCRIBES, the author must take into account our editorial policy and structurally level their work with samples of previously published articles before submitting. It is also crucial that the author does not submit the same article to a different publishing platform, as that is regarded as unethical and undermines the volunteer labour of editorial teams. Thus, if an author decides on submitting the same piece to another journal, we recommend they also withdraw it formally from SCRIBES’ evaluation process. Additionally, the author is only allowed to submit articles that are products of original research, within the journal’s scope of interest. They should also respect publication standards. Furthermore, once a review is completed, authors must take into consideration the constructive comments that were offered. Nonetheless, the right to refuse them is also reserved, as well as the right to defence of an idea. If, at the end of the process, the article is not passed, the author must feel stimulated to continue with the good efforts, pursuing another submission.


Editorial Manager

The Editorial Manager is the head of management, being in contact with the editorial team in its entirety. They are also responsible for OJS processes, and initial appraisal of articles before they are forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief and Assistant Editor. Moreover, they are essentially the connective tissue between authors and collaborators, and authors and our translating team. As part of their duties is also the administration of the journal’s email and bridging of the journal’s objectives with other organisations that could be potential partners. Is also responsible for assisting the team at SCRIBES with technical issues arising from our relationship with OJS platform. Also, the gathering and publishing of data, as well as the design of cover and new issues of the journal, and technical updates on our website, as required by our management team.



 The proofreader makes the grammatical review of articles that have been accepted for publishing.



 SCRIBES is the scientific periodical publication associated with the Federal University of Viçosa’s Secretarial Sciences course. SCRIBES aims at contributing to the effective dissemination of scientific knowledge in Secretarial and Organisational Studies, by targeting a public interested in developing science in these areas, such as professors, scholars, researchers, and professionals.