The relevance of finance education in the Secretarial Science course and its use in the labor market




The construction of a career begins in the academic environment simultaneously with the professional experience of the student. The secretary constantly reinvents himself, he/she is a professional who is in search of innovations, is multifunctional, a source of information as well as the first contact between internal and external clients. Finance is present in the secretarial routine in many diverse processes, from a simple conference of an expense report to the organization of an event with high budget. In so many cases, the secretary is in charge of the administration of financial resources to pay accounts and other expenses of the manager, that is, direct or indirectly a Secretarial professional handles with financial processes. However, the area of Finance is not yet a subject so researched in the context of the profession of Secretarial and even in the university field; students have little contact with disciplines focused on this area of knowledge. Consequently, this article’s aims at answering what is the students' perception about the knowledge acquired in the university and how it can help with job opportunities and be a curricular differential. Does the curriculum have enough

Finance subjects for professional practices? This question guided the idealization of this article that intends to contribute in Secretarial area researches with a focus on Finances. It is a descriptive, exploratory nature and quantitative method study. The results obtained show that the Secretarial professional realize the importance of knowledge in finance as a way to aggregate and optimize his/her daily activities, recognizes that it is a differential in the labor market and can contribute to his/her personal development. However, academic background has certain limitations, as there is no deeper study in the Finance area; its teaching is still introductory.


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Author Biographies

Ana Carolina Goulart Barboza da Silva, Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado (FECAP)

Ana Carolina Goulart Barboza da Silva


Graduada em Secretariado Executivo pela Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado (FECAP), bacharel em Hotelaria pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi e técnica em Secretariado pela ETEC Parque da Juventude. Carreira em evolução na área de Secretariado com experiência de 3 anos como secretária/assistente. Pesquisadora do Programa de Iniciação Científica da Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado (FECAP) por 2 anos com pesquisas concluídas.

Portugues, Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado (FECAP)

Fernando Aguiar Camargo


Mestre em Administração de Empresas com Ênfase em Finanças pela Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado (FECAP), Pós Graduado em Assessoria Executiva e Graduado em Secretariado Executivo Trilíngue, Como docente, atua no Curso de Pós Graduação em Assessoria Executiva e Graduação em Secretariado Executivo da FECAP além conteúdista na UNINTER. Possui experiência de mais de 10 anos como Secretário Executivo, atendendo Diretores e Presidentes. Atualmente exerce o cargo de Consultor de Governança Corporativa e Gestão de Riscos no Grupo Fleury. . Desenvolve palestras em universidades e empresas, além de coordenar cursos livres voltados para o secretariado. Criador do Grupo SecretáriOs e coautor do Livro Excelência no Secretariado, sendo um dos capítulos: O Homem e o Secretariado.



How to Cite

Goulart Barboza da Silva, A. C., & Portugues. (2020). The relevance of finance education in the Secretarial Science course and its use in the labor market. SCRIBES - Brazilian Journal of Management and Secretarial Studies, 1(2).


