Bureaucratic Quality and State Performance: Unpacking the black box of the municipality
Políticas Públicas, Burocracia, Implementação de Políticas Públicas, Capacidade Estatal, Administração Municipal.Abstract
Does the quality of a local bureaucracy affect the indicators of economic inequality in a city? Is it capable of improving the human development indexes of this population? This work is an effort to understand the bureaucratic structure of the Brazilian governmental entity that is the main responsible for the implementation process of most Brazilian state public policies: The municipality. With that, to bring to light some characteristic features of the profile of an effective municipal bureaucracy. To do so, after performing a factor reduction using Factorial Analysis with data in Munic 2005/10, Correlations and Logistic Regressions were made to test (1) if the number of servers per inhabitant can explain the indexes obtained in Gini and HDI-M coefficients and (2) whether the training of these servers is enough to explain these results, that show the importance of the quality of local bureaucracy in contributing to lower economic inequality and better human development.
Keywords: Public policy, Bureaucracy, Implementation of Public Policies, State Capacity, Municipal Administration.
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